To round 97,896 to the nearest 1,000, follow these steps:
Identify the digit in the thousands place:
- The number 97,896 can be broken down as follows:
- Thousands place: 97 (the 9)
- Hundreds place: 8 (the 8)
- The number 97,896 can be broken down as follows:
Look at the digit in the hundreds place to determine if we round up or down:
- The digit in the hundreds place is 8.
- According to rounding rules, if the digit is 5 or greater, we round up.
Since the hundreds place digit (8) is greater than 5, we will round up:
- Add 1 to the digit in the thousands place (9):
9 + 1 = 10
- Add 1 to the digit in the thousands place (9):
Replace all digits to the right of the thousands place with 0:
- This gives us 100,000 because we are rounding to the nearest thousand.
Thus, when rounding 97,896 to the nearest 1,000, the answer is: