ROSES ARE RED by JAMES PATTERSON can someone give mi an opinion about this plot summery?do i have to change somethin?

From the author James Patterson comes thriller: Roses are red. In this horrific but also romantic story Detective Alex Cross, who works with FBI, tries to find and capture mysterious criminal who calls himself Mastermind. He robbed banks and killed many innocent people. Many times we get the feeling that he is always somewhere around Cross and other policemen because he knows every detail about everyone and everything. Meanwhile, Alex has troubles of his own back home. His daughter is seriously ill, so Alex must jump between finding The Mastermind and being with his family. Christine, ,who is at first his lover and mother of his son Alex Jr., is reliving her traumatic past when she was kidnapped and almoust killed. Alex works together with Senior Agent Betsey Cavaillere who offers him friendship but with time they get intimate. The Mastermind, meanwhile, continues to strike. Just when they think they have the caught The Mastermind , they are proven wrong again and again. At the end, after Betsy is and murdered, the true identitiy of The Mastermind is revealed but only to to readers- it is Kyle Craig, a good friend of Alex and a good cop.

From the author Comma James Patterson Comma comes thriller: Comma Roses are red. Book titles are put in italics or quotes and the beginning of each major word is capitalized. In this horrific but also Use "and" instead of "but also." romantic story Comma Detective Alex Cross, who works with FBI, tries to find and capture mysterious criminal who calls himself Mastermind. He has robbed banks and has killed many innocent people.

When changing ideas, places, times or persons, start new paragraph by indenting or skipping a line.

Many times we get the feeling that he is always somewhere around Cross and other policemen Comma because he knows every detail about everyone and everything. He doesn't know about "everyone and everything," merely their attempts ot catch him.

Meanwhile, Alex has troubles of his own back home. His daughter is seriously ill, so Alex Be consistent in using either is first or last name. must jump between finding The Mastermind and being with his family.

Christine, who is at first Omit "who is at first." his lover and mother of his son Alex Jr., If you are not going to mention the son again, it is unnecessary to name him. is reliving her traumatic pastComma when she was kidnapped and almoust Sp killed.

Alex works together with Senior Agent Betsey Sp? Cavaillere Comma who offers him friendship Comma but with time they get intimate.

The Mastermind, Be consistent. Use either "The Mastermind" or "Mastermind." meanwhile, continues to strike. Just when they think they have the caught The Mastermind, they are proven wrong fail? again and again. At the end, after Betsy is and murdered, the true identitiy of The Mastermind is revealed but only to to Omit one "to." readers — it is Kyle Craig, a good friend of Alex and a good cop. Does a "good cop" rob, and kill? What happens to him and Cross? Ending unclear.

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.