Absolutely! Here’s a quick check on roots and affixes, including some common examples:
- A root is the base part of a word that gives it meaning.
- Example: The root "ject" means "to throw" (as in "project" or "eject").
Common Roots:
- tele (far) - telegraph, telephone
- bio (life) - biology, biography
- photo (light) - photograph, photosynthesis
- geo (earth) - geography, geology
- aud (hear) - audible, audience
- An affix is a prefix or suffix added to a root word to modify its meaning.
These are added to the beginning of a word.
- un- (not) - unhappy, untie
- re- (again) - redo, revisit
- pre- (before) - preview, prehistoric
- dis- (opposite) - disagree, disconnect
These are added to the end of a word.
- -ing (action/process) - running, swimming
- -ful (full of) - joyful, hopeful
- -ness (state of) - happiness, darkness
- -tion (the act of) - creation, education
Quick Check Questions:
- What does the root "aqua" mean? (Answer: water)
- What does the prefix "anti-" mean? (Answer: against)
- Create a word using the root "scribe" and a suffix. (Answer: describe)
- What does the suffix "-able" signify? (Answer: capable of or worthy of)
Feel free to ask if you need a specific type of exercise or additional information!