Roman Republic Quick Check
Which statement accurately explains the similarities and differences between the Roman Republic and Athenian polis?
The Roman Republic and Athenian polis both used a voting system. The main difference between the two was how the officials were elected. The Roman Republic elected leaders based on citizen votes whereas in the Athenian polis leaders were elected by the senate.
✅ The Roman Republic and Athenian polis both used an assembly to debate political, military, and social issues. The main difference between the two is their hierarchical order and power. The Athenian polis power resembled Athenians while the Roman Republic had elected leaders. ✅
The Roman Republic and Athenian polis both used hierarchical leaders. The main difference between the two is how the hierarchy functioned. The Athenian polis was led by the ecclesia while the Roman Republic was led by consuls.
The Roman Republic and Athenian polis both used an assembly of social classes. The main difference between the two is how the members were selected. The Athenian polis randomly selected members whereas the Roman Republic elected members.
Which statement accurately explains the similarities and differences between the Roman Republic and Achaemenid Empire?
✅ Both the Roman Republic and Achaemenid Empire used authority figures at the head of their political systems. They each were centralized, but operated differently within their territories. The Achaemenid Empire had smaller satrapies, whereas the Roman Republic relied on the senate and consuls to make decisions. ✅
Both the Roman Republic and Achaemenid Empire used a monarch political system. The Roman Republic used a hierarchical social class system of patricians and plebeians to make political decisions whereas the Achaemenid system used financial advisors who reported to the king.
Both the Roman Republic and Achaemenid Empire used authority figures within a highly centralized government. The Roman Republic was governed by consuls assigned to satrapies that reported to the king, whereas the Achaemenid Empire was governed by consuls across the empire’s provinces.
Both the Roman Republic and Achaemenid Empire used senates to debate and make political decisions, and both had a king at the head of the system. The Roman Republic used two distinct social classes to organize its society whereas the Achaemenid system did not have specific social classes.
Which statement best explains the difference between the Mayan civilization and the Roman Republic?
The Roman Republic used a senate and Centuriate Assembly, while the Mayan civilization only used a Tribal Assembly that dealt solely with civilian affairs.
The Mayan civilization featured one major city, similar to Rome, and its rulers were elected annually, while the Roman Republic featured a consul for every city in the republic.
The Roman Republic had three classes of citizens: the elites, plebeians, and patricians. The Mayan civilization only had two: upper class and lower class.
✅ The Mayan civilization was led by a demigod monarch, and each Mayan city operated independently with its own culture and laws. The Roman Republic was a centralized system led by two consuls and a senate. ✅
Which statement accurately summarizes the figures and events that led to the fall of the Roman Republic?
The Roman Republic fell due to the Second Triumvirate and the political struggles between the consuls and Optimates.
The Roman Republic fell due to the first civil war and political struggles between the Populares and plebeians.
✅ The Roman Republic fell due to the second civil war and political struggles between the Populares and Optimates. ✅
The Roman Republic fell due to the first civil war and political struggles between the Populares and Optimates.
How would you construct a timeline of significant events that led up to the formation of the Roman Empire, listing the events in chronological order?
✅ Gracchi brothers’ assassinations, Sulla’s march on Rome, First Triumvirate, march across the Rubicon, Ides of March, Second Triumvirate, Battle of Actium ✅
Battle of Actium, Ides of March, march across the Rubicon, Second Triumvirate, First Triumvirate, Sulla’s march on Rome, Gracchi brothers’ assassinations
march across the Rubicon, Battle of Actium, Ides of March, Sulla’s march on Rome, Gracchi brothers’ assassinations, Second Triumvirate, First Triumvirate
Ides of March, Battle of Actium, march across the Rubicon, Sulla’s march on Rome, Gracchi brothers’ assassinations, First Triumvirate, Second Triumvirate
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3 answers