To improve Rodrigo's cooling device, he can consider the following options based on the results of his trials:
A More Concentrated Solution: Increasing the concentration of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) in the solution may lead to greater temperature changes, as more solute is available to absorb heat from the surrounding environment.
Better Insulation: Since trial results show a temperature change increase from no insulation (5.8°C) to polystyrene foam (9.6°C), improving insulation would help maintain the low temperature achieved by further reducing heat exchange with the environment.
A Greater Amount of Solution: Increasing the amount of NH4Cl and water may provide more cooling potential since there will be more solute to dissolve and absorb heat.
Considering these options, the best approaches for Rodrigo to improve his cooling device would be to try a more concentrated solution, better insulation, and a greater amount of solution.