River Otters
Kathy Hufford
1 The North American river otter is found in the United States and Canada. The river otter is a member of the weasel family. It is equally at home in the water and on land. An adult river otter can weigh between ten and thirty pounds. Because the otter spends much of its time in the water, it is protected and insulated by a thick coat of water-repellent fur.
2 River otters live in underground burrows close to the water's edge. The river otter’s home is called a den. The den has many tunnel openings. One of these openings will lead directly into a river, lake, or other body of water. Female otters give birth to their young in these dens.
3 River otter babies are called pups. A litter of river otter babies usually consists of one to six pups. The pups remain in the den until they are ten to twelve weeks old. At this time, the mother begins to teach them to swim and hunt for food on their own.
4 River otters prefer to eat fish, but they will also consume various amphibians, turtles, and sometimes small mammals such as mice. Bobcats, coyotes, and foxes may occasionally prey upon young otters, but because river otters spend most of their time underground or in the water, they have few natural predators.
Which choice best gives the meaning of the phrase prey upon in this passage?
A attackattack
B avoidavoid
C hidehide
D protect
1 answer