Rising air cools as a result of a decrease in barometric pressure with altitude. (Lapse Rate) True/False?
When an inflatable life jacket is inflated with a compressed air cylinder the air inside the now inflated life jacket is much colder than it was prior to inflation when it was still compressed inside the cylinder. The air is colder because it is now under less pressure as per the air in question 1. True/False?
When a Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher is discharged the nozzle often freezes. This is as a result of the reduction in pressure. True/False?
If you were to place a thermometer inside a bike or car tyre then inflate it the temperature of the introduced air would rise as a result of the increasing pressure. True/False?
In all the above examples there has been an alteration in temperature that is not a result of heat transfer. It is therefore called Adiabatic. True/False?
Pressure doesn't affect temperature as far as I know.