Rise of Islam

After the decline and collapse of the classical empires, new societies rose to take their place. A series of these states were inspired by a new religion, Islam. From its origins in Arabia, Islam quickly spread to the Sassanid empire in Persia and even into parts of the Byzantine Empire. Muslims, or “ones who have submitted” to the will of Allah, spread their religious convictions but also drew inspiration from the Persian, Greek, and Indian worlds. Eventually the dar al-Islam (“world of Islam”) would cover a cosmopolitan world ranging from Spain in the west to India in the east.
For your assignment today, you will work in groups no larger than 4 to create a PowerPoint on one of the topics provided at the bottom of these instructions. You will be graded on creativity, organization, and accuracy of the information. This assingment is due at the start of NEXT CLASS!!!

Steps to be Completed:
1. FInd your topic and organize your group together.
2. Discuss your topic and analyze the information together. Make sure you ALWAYS have a shared place where you keep, organize, and analyze the information together (ex: Google Doc)
3. Begin putting together your slideshow presentation
4. Make sure you have all the required elements.

Required Elements:
1. Design: Choose a creative theme for your Haiku Deck that lends itself well to your information.
2. Information: Make sure to adequately analyze all your required information.
3. Organization: You must break up your information into different slides. You will not have a lot of information on a single slide. Organize your information well enough so it is easily presentable.
4. Creativity: Use at least four different visuals to highlight and enhance your information.


1. [CUL] Describe the core beliefs of Islam and how it was affected by other groups/religions.

2. [SB, CUL] Analyze the Islamic expansion (Islamic Imperialism) from 630-750 A.D.

3. [SB, SOC] Describe the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate.

4. [ECON, SB, ENV] Describe the trading empire established by Dar-al Islam. Be sure to include the growth of major trading cities, what/how they traded, and what technological advances happened due to trading.

5. [SOC, CUL] Describe the treatment of women under Arab culture and Islamic Law of Sharia.

6. [CUL] Describe how Muslims were influenced by Greek and Indian scholars.

5 answers

Group Assignment: Rise of Islam PowerPoint Presentation

Here's a suggested outline and tips for each of the topics provided. Your group can choose any of these topics and then develop your presentation accordingly.

1. Core Beliefs of Islam and Influences from Other Groups/Religions (CUL)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: Core Beliefs of Islam
    • Group members' names
  • Slide 2: Introduction to Islam

    • Brief origin from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
  • Slide 3: The Five Pillars of Islam

    • Explanation of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salah), almsgiving (Zakat), fasting (Sawm during Ramadan), pilgrimage (Hajj).
  • Slide 4: Core Tenets

    • Monotheism, justice, compassion, and community responsibility.
  • Slide 5: Influences from Other Religions

    • Early interactions with Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and how they shaped Islamic beliefs.
  • Slide 6: Conclusion

    • Summary of beliefs and acknowledged influences.
  • Visuals: Use images of religious symbols, historical maps, and ancient texts.

2. Islamic Expansion (Islamic Imperialism) from 630-750 A.D. (SB, CUL)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: Islamic Expansion from 630-750 A.D.
  • Slide 2: The Early Islamic Conquests

    • Overview of military campaigns and motivations.
  • Slide 3: Key Battles and Victories

    • Discuss significant battles (e.g., Yarmouk, Qadisiyyah).
  • Slide 4: Political and Economic Impact

    • Effects of expansion on trade and governance.
  • Slide 5: Cultural Exchange and Integration

    • Brief notes on how Islam influenced and integrated with conquered cultures.
  • Slide 6: Legacy of Expansion

    • Long-term outcomes of the expansion on the world.
  • Visuals: Maps of expansion, images of key figures, and charts of economic impact.

3. The Rule of the Abbasid Caliphate (SB, SOC)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: The Abbasid Caliphate
  • Slide 2: Overview of the Abbasids

    • Introduction to the Abbasid dynasty and timeframe.
  • Slide 3: Government Structure and Administration

    • Description of caliphate governance and bureaucratic developments.
  • Slide 4: Cultural and Scientific Achievements

    • Contributions in art, literature, and science.
  • Slide 5: Economic Flourishing

    • Trade routes, agricultural advancements, and urbanization.
  • Slide 6: Decline of the Abbasid Caliphate

    • Factors that led to its weakening in the 9th century.
  • Visuals: Images of significant architecture, timelines, and depictions of cultural achievements.

4. Trading Empire of Dar-al Islam (ECON, SB, ENV)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: The Trading Empire of Dar-al Islam
  • Slide 2: Trade Routes and Major Cities

    • Highlight important trading routes and cities (e.g., Baghdad, Cordoba).
  • Slide 3: Goods Traded

    • Description of what commodities were exchanged (spices, textiles, etc.).
  • Slide 4: Technological Advances

    • Innovations that facilitated trade (astrolabe, lateen sails).
  • Slide 5: Economic Impact on Islamic Society

    • Discuss how trade influenced societal wealth and culture.
  • Slide 6: Conclusion

    • The lasting significance of the trading empire.
  • Visuals: Trade maps, images of goods, and illustrations of technology.

5. Treatment of Women under Arab Culture and Islamic Law of Sharia (SOC, CUL)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: Treatment of Women in Arab Culture and Islamic Law
  • Slide 2: Historical Context

    • Overview of women's status pre-Islamically.
  • Slide 3: Rights Granted by Islam

    • Discuss improvements in legal status, education, and property rights.
  • Slide 4: Cultural Variations

    • Show how women's rights varied by region and culture.
  • Slide 5: Modern Interpretations of Sharia

    • Overview of contemporary debates about women’s rights in Islam.
  • Slide 6: Conclusion

    • Summary of women's evolving role in Islamic societies.
  • Visuals: Historical images, contemporary photographs, and infographics of women's rights progress.

6. Muslim Influences by Greek and Indian Scholars (CUL)

Slide Outline:

  • Slide 1: Title Slide

    • Title: Muslim Influences from Greek and Indian Scholars
  • Slide 2: Introduction to Knowledge Transfer

    • Explain how the rise of Islam opened new channels for knowledge.
  • Slide 3: Contributions from Greek Scholars

    • Highlight figures like Aristotle and Galen; fields impacted (philosophy, medicine).
  • Slide 4: Indian Contributions

    • Discuss mathematics (like the numeral system) and astronomy.
  • Slide 5: Translation Movements

    • The House of Wisdom and the importance of translations.
  • Slide 6: Conclusion

    • The lasting significance of this knowledge on the Renaissance and beyond.
  • Visuals: Portraits of scholars, images of the House of Wisdom, and charts of knowledge transfer's impact.

Final Tips:

  • Use bullet points for clarity and keep text concise.
  • Choose visuals that are relevant and enhance understanding.
  • Practice your presentation as a group for cohesiveness and flow.
  • Remember to cite sources for the information and visuals used in your slides.

Good luck with your presentation!

What color should the presentation be

Choosing the right color scheme for your presentation is crucial for clarity, engagement, and aesthetics. Here are some suggestions based on the topics related to the Rise of Islam that you are considering:

1. Color Scheme Options

  1. Traditional and Elegant:

    • Background: Deep Blue or Rich Green
    • Text: White or Light Gold
    • Accents/Highlights: Dark Gold or Cream
    • Usage: This color scheme reflects the historical significance and richness of Islamic culture.
  2. Warm and Inviting:

    • Background: Soft Earth Tones (like Sand or Beige)
    • Text: Dark Brown or Forest Green
    • Accents/Highlights: Terracotta or Coral
    • Usage: This scheme can evoke feelings of warmth and community, suitable for discussions on culture and society.
  3. Vibrant and Dynamic:

    • Background: Bright Turquoise or Teal
    • Text: White or Black for contrast
    • Accents/Highlights: Gold or Orange
    • Usage: This vibrant selection can illustrate the dynamism of Islamic expansion and trade.
  4. Neutral and Professional:

    • Background: Light Gray or Soft White
    • Text: Dark Gray or Black
    • Accents/Highlights: Deep Blue or Emerald
    • Usage: This color scheme keeps a professional tone and is easy on the eyes, making it suitable for academic presentations.

2. Considerations for Color Choice

  • Readability: Ensure there’s enough contrast between background and text colors for clear readability.
  • Cultural Significance: Some colors hold specific meanings in Islamic culture (e.g., green is commonly associated with Islam).
  • Visual Cohesion: Use a consistent color palette throughout the presentation to create a polished and cohesive look.
  • Visual Aids: Ensure that any visuals used (images, charts, graphs) align with the color scheme to maintain aesthetic harmony.

3. Final Recommendation

For a topic on the Rise of Islam, a Deep Blue background with Light Gold text and accents can be both elegant and reflective of the historical significance of the subject matter. However, feel free to adapt the suggestion based on your group’s preferences and how it fits with the content of your presentation.

4. Tools for Color Selection

You can use tools like Adobe Color or Coolors.co to experiment with and finalize your color palette.

Ultimately, select a color scheme that resonates with your team and enhances the presentation's message!

Only one for all slides

For a unified presentation, I recommend using the following color scheme for all your slides:

Color Scheme: Deep Blue Background with Light Gold Text

  • Background Color: Deep Blue (Hex Code: #003366)
  • Text Color: Light Gold (Hex Code: #FFD700)
  • Accent Color: White for highlights or emphasis


  • Deep Blue Background: This color conveys depth and professionalism, and it is traditional in many Islamic art and architecture contexts, symbolizing wisdom and stability.
  • Light Gold Text: Gold represents richness and grandeur, which aligns well with the cultural and historical importance of Islamic civilization.
  • White for Accent: This can help draw attention to key points or important quotes without overwhelming the audience.

Tips for Implementation:

  • Consistency: Use the deep blue as a consistent background for all slides to create a cohesive look.
  • Font Style: Choose a clear and legible font, such as Arial, Calibri, or Georgia, using light gold for main text and white for highlighting.
  • Visuals: Ensure that any images or graphics you include are either integrated with this color scheme or adapted to enhance readability against the deep blue background.

This single, elegant color scheme should enhance your presentation's professionalism and resonate well with the historical themes you're discussing. Good luck!