rioritisation of our ABC activities is important to enable us to schedule our time more effectively. Matthew approaches you and asks for your advice about ABC activities. He still doesn’t have a good understanding of these activities. Assist Matthew by telling him which of the following options is a class A activity and why.
Socialising, because a balanced life is important as taking time for rest will allow me to invest more to my studies.
Revision of work, because this forms part of my studies and should be my biggest priority.
Sleeping, because it is a huge priority to rest and take care of the body so that I am able to focus on my studies.
Leisure reading, because reading is fundamental to my studies as it improves focus, memory and communication skills.
1 answer
The class A activity in this scenario would be revision of work. This is because revision directly contributes to academic success and is essential for retaining information and performing well in studies. Prioritizing revision will help improve time management and ensure that academic goals are achieved.