Riley goes to the drug store to buy some eye drops, she sees her friend, cami getting cigaretts. Riley knows she has to tell but she dosn't want to hurt her friend.
What should riley do? (2 points.)
A. Tell cami's mum, Cami will understand in the future. ***
B. Buy cigaretts with her, It will make me cooler.
C. Ignore it, Cami will be happy.
D. Tell a trusted adult. ****
Cigaretts are a substance made of..
A. Tobacco***
B. Chocalate
C. Tea
D. Ice cream.
Tamica and her Best friend went to a party, The party influenced drinking and smoking, Her best friend tom drank and smoked, he became drunk, Tom was driving, and tamica left her phone at home.
What should tamica do?
A. Drink and Smoke with tom, they day will go by.
B. Walk home it will be the safest sitiuation.***
C. Get toms' keys, and drive home. I don't have a license but its safer.
D. Hide in a location.
3 answers
I agree with all your answers. Nice!
Thanks Writeacher that means a lot!
You're very welcome!