To find the equivalent fractions for 3 2/3 and 1 and 4/5, you need to convert them to improper fractions or mixed numbers with the common denominator of 15.
For 3 2/3:
Step 1: Convert 3 to an improper fraction.
3 = 3/1
So, 3 = 3/1
Step 2: Get the equivalent fraction using a common denominator of 15.
Multiply the denominator and numerator of 3/1 by 5 to get an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 15.
3/1 = (3 * 5) / (1 * 5) = 15/5
Step 3: Add 2/3 to the equivalent fraction.
15/5 + 2/3 = (15 * 3)/(5 * 3) + 2/3 = 45/15 + 2/3 = 47/15
The equivalent fraction for 3 2/3 is 47/15.
For 1 and 4/5:
Step 1: Convert 1 to an improper fraction.
1 = 1/1
So, 1 = 1/1
Step 2: Get the equivalent fraction using a common denominator of 15.
Multiply the denominator and numerator of 1/1 by 15 to get an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 15.
1/1 = (1 * 15) / (1 * 15) = 15/15
Step 3: Add 4/5 to the equivalent fraction.
15/15 + 4/5 = (15 * 5)/(15 * 5) + 4/5 = 75/15 + 4/5 = 79/15
The equivalent fraction for 1 and 4/5 is 79/15.
Right equivalent fractions for 3 2/3 and one and 4/5 using 15 as the common denominator
1 answer