In the heart of verse, the beats align (A)
Where words dance freely, a melody divine (A)
Each syllable whispers, a pulse in the air (B)
Creating a flow that lingers with care (B)
The pattern of beats or stresses in a line of poetry, contributing to its musical quality.
From iambs to trochees, with rhythms that sway (C)
They lift and they drop, in a playful ballet (C)
The heart of the poem, a cadence so true (D)
Adds richness and depth, a sound we imbue (D)
The rhyme scheme used
AABB, ABAB, or perhaps AABBA (E)
Each choice a reflection of thoughts we convey (E)
Structuring language, a pattern to find (F)
Crafting connections that echo in mind (F)
A poem of any length without a rhyme scheme
In the quiet of dawn, shadows start to fade
Birdsong spills into the air, a gentle embrace
The world wakes slowly, wrapped in the warmth of light
Thoughts drift like clouds, wandering beyond the horizon.
Each moment breathes, alive with possibility—
The heart listens, lingering in rhythms unspoken.