Rewrite this slightly shorter in different words: During the discussion of the article, “A teen and a trolley reveal society’s dark side,” I posed the idea that all people have a dark side because a part of being a human is that people make mistakes and sometimes the wrong decisions. Some of the group members agreed with me because in the article, the girl found that biases often impact our decisions. Sometimes, people choose things without realizing that they have a bias attached to their decision. We also discussed how a “dark side” doesn’t mean that people are evil, but that they are simply human and prone to error. Some of the other members of the group felt that some people are capable of being completely good. They felt that the trolley example from the article was a difficult choice either way and that there could not be a right or a wrong answer because there were bad consequences for either of the choices. They felt that the consequences were out of the hands of the person making the decision, so that person could not be to blame when it meant saving someone.
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