In the beginning of the movie, a high shot of Emmet lying in his bed, waking up with the alarm clock ringing the background. The next few minutes show him getting ready for the day, included in this scene is a wide shot of Emmet and all his neighbours saying, 'good morning city!', while moving backwards showing the landscape behind them. Emmet’s colour scheme is orange and yellow, already showing his optimism, naivety, sociability and innocence. The shot of the clock ringing 7:00am, is a clever way to show the time. When Emmet says, 'good morning city!' and it goes into a wide shot of the city, the movie is giving you a setting. We now know Emmet is the main character because the movie carefully takes the time to introduce him getting ready and his generic day, in such detail they wouldn’t do with a side character
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At the start of the film, Emmet is seen lying in his bed as the alarm clock rings in the background. As he awakens, we witness his morning routine, capturing moments of him preparing for the day ahead. Notably, there is a wide shot featuring Emmet and his neighbors cheerfully greeting the city with a united "good morning!" This scene gradually pulls back to reveal the landscape behind them. Through his vibrant orange and yellow color scheme, Emmet's optimistic, naive, sociable, and innocent nature is already evident. An ingenious way to indicate the time is shown by the ringing of the clock at 7:00 am. When Emmet exclaims, "good morning city!" and the camera pans out to showcase the entire city, a clear setting is established. This deliberate introduction of Emmet's morning routine and his standard day highlights his status as the main character, an attention to detail typically reserved for a central protagonist rather than a secondary character.
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The antagonist in this movie is Lord Business. He is a corrupt man who controls everything in the Lego world Thai is manipulative. In the scene where Lord Business interrogates the cop, he is portrayed as a villain quite well. When talking to the him, Lord Business was shown from a low angle, which portrays how powerful he is. The colour scheme for him (black and red) as well as his height (with his suit on) and the added helmet makes him look very powerful. The lighting and music directed towards him is also quite dramatic. When Emmet first sees him on TV, he says 'head of Octan AND ruler of the world' which shows he obviously controls everything. Emmet also mentions how 'Octan makes everything, food, TV, petrol, music, voting machines…….wait.' This shows that Octan doesn't make voting machines, therefore no one can vote so Lord Business stays in power.
Lord Business serves as the antagonist in this film, a corrupt and manipulative figure who exerts control over the Lego world. In the scene where he interrogates the cop, Lord Business is effectively portrayed as a formidable villain. Presented from a low angle, he appears immensely powerful. His black and red color scheme, towering height in his suit, and imposing helmet further enhance his aura of strength. Accompanied by dramatic lighting and music, Lord Business commands attention and instills a sense of fear. When Emmet catches a glimpse of him on TV, he exclaims, "head of Octan AND ruler of the world," highlighting Lord Business's absolute control. This is later reinforced when Emmet notes that Octan manufactures everything except voting machines, a deliberate omission that sustains Lord Business's grip on power.
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In conclusion, the writer and directors used technical and symbolic codes to convey a clear message. Emmet has the role of the clueless, generic, enthusiastic hero and antagonist of this movie whereas President Business in the bossy, corrupt and selfish villain.
To conclude, the writer and directors skillfully employed technical and symbolic elements to effectively convey their message. Emmet assumes the role of the oblivious, average, and enthusiastic hero, contrasting with President Business who embodies the domineering, corrupt, and self-centered villain.