Rewrite the paragraph below, correcting errors in verb usage.
(1) History books have learned us many facts about Sir Francis Drake.(2)Much of Drake's fame lays in his having sailed around the world.(3)What he done was amazing.(4)In 1577, sailing from England, Drake had went around the world.(5)After traveling through the Straits of Magellan, which laid off the southern tip of South America, he traveled up the western coast of South America.(6)During that leg of his journey, he seen the Pacific Ocean.(7)When Magellan saw that body of water, he says that it was pacific,or peaceful, so he gave the ocean that name.(8)Drake eventually reached the area near what is now San Francisco and sat his anchor in the water there.(9)Drake raised up early one morning and began sailing even farther west.(10)By the time Drake finally reached England again in 1580, he had drug his crew on an epic voyage for almost three years.
My answer:
(1)History books have taught us many facts about Sir Francis Drake.(2)Much of Drakes fame (?) in his having sailed around the world.(3)What he did was amazing.(4)IN 1577, sailing from England, Drake had gone around the world.(5)After traveling through the Straits of Magellan, which (?) off the southern tip of South America, he traveled up the western coast of South America.(6)During that leg of his journey, he saw the Pacific Ocean, (7)When Magellan saw that body of water, he said that it was pacific, or peaceful, so he gave the ocean that name.(8)Drake eventually reached the area near what is now San Francisco and set his anchor in the water there.(9)Drake rose up early one morning and began sailing even farther west.
4 answers
IN 1577, sailing from England, Drake WENT around the world.
(5)After traveling through the Straits of Magellan, which (?) off the southern tip of South America, he traveled up the western coast of South America.
Study the forms of lie and lay.
The rest of your corrections are right.