As I stealthily approached the sleeping child, a sense of guilt washed over me. I couldn't believe I was about to kidnap this innocent little boy. But the thought of the ransom money kept me focused on the task at hand.
I reached down and scooped the child up in my arms, trying to stifle his cries as I carried him off into the night. His small body felt oddly light and fragile against mine, a stark reminder of the gravity of my actions.
As we made our way to our hideout, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at me. Was this really worth it? Was the ransom money truly worth the harm I was causing to this child and his family?
But then I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the end goal. The ransom money would set me up for life, and I couldn't afford to let sentimentality get in the way.
I finally handed the child over to my accomplice, who secured him in the makeshift prison we had prepared. The boy's tear-streaked face haunted me as I turned away, the weight of my actions settling heavily on my conscience. But it was too late to turn back now. The ransom was in motion, and I had to see it through to the end.
Rewrite the kidnapping scene from bills point of view From the ransom of red chief
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