Study this webpage carefully:
Here's the first one:
Daleks are known for shouting, "We obey!’’ and shrieking, "Exterminate!"
Now you try the others, and someone may be able to check your work.
Rewrite the following sentences to correct the non-parallel series.
We never learn the Doctor's name, but we know about his ship, his home planet, and regenerating.
Daleks are known for shouting, "We obey!’’ and what they also shriek is "Exterminate!"
Of all the villains on Doctor Who, the Daleks are the deadliest, have the most cruelty, and the most popular.
Since 1963, the Doctor Who, has had many adventures in space, has travelled to save the past and the future, and wears a bow tie.
Generally, Daleks have three attachments: one for firing death rays; one to see, and one that lets them manipulate objects.
1 answer