Rewrite the following :

"Remember Proverbs 31:25, 'She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.' This applies to both men and women. Don't settle for someone who doesn't recognize your worth and meet you halfway. Be confident in yourself and your value, and continue to move forward on a path that honors and respects you.
"Don't chase. Know your worth and know that you deserve to at least be met half way. If they won't match your effort, they don't want to be in your life."

1 answer

Remember the wisdom of Proverbs 31:25 - "She is clothed with strength and dignity and she can laugh at the days to come." This applies to both men and women. Do not settle for anyone who does not see your worth and meet you halfway. Have confidence in yourself and your value, and keep moving forward on a path that respects and honors you.

Do not chase after someone who is not willing to meet you halfway. Know your worth and believe that you deserve mutual effort in any relationship. If they are not willing to match your efforts, then they do not belong in your life. Keep moving forward.