1. Correct
2. 1899-1957 should be separated by an en dash
3. Male should be hyphenated to indicate it is modifying screen legend
4. Correct
5. "That is" should be set off with commas or dashes, but there is no punctuation here.
6. American Film Institute should be set off with commas or parentheses
7. Replaced "Bogart who" with "He" for clarity
8. "Movie star" should be hyphenated to show it is a compound modifier
9. "Award winning" should be hyphenated to show it is a compound modifier
Rewrite the 9 underlined sections in the following paragraph, correcting hyphens, dashes, and parentheses where needed. If the underlined portion is already correct, write Correct in the blank
The words in * * mean that they are underlined
In 1999, Humphry Bogart *1899-1957* was voted the greatest screen *legend male* screen legend, *that is,* by the American Film Insitute *AFI.* *Bogart who* is my favorite *movie star* was a stage actor at the beginning of his career. His movie credits include The Maltese Falcon *1941* and Casablanca *1942*. In 1951, he won an Oscar for his role in The African Queen. In this *award winning* role, he played opposite Katherine Hepburn who, by the way, was the AFI pick for the greatest female screen legend.
1 answer