Hi There.
May I ask, what type of "object pronouns" are you referring to?
I think that you are referring to direct object pronouns for this.
"The direct object answers the question What? or Whom? with regard to the verb in a sentence or clause"
Singular Plural
me (me) nos (us)
te (you) os (you)
lo/la (him/her; you; it) los/las (them; you)
Just in case, if you are referring to indirect object pronouns:
"The indirect object answers the question To or for whom? or To or for what?with regard to the verb in a sentence or clause. Another way of looking at it is to say that the indirect object tells us where the direct object is going"
The indirect object pronouns in Spanish are as follows:
Singular Plural
me (me) nos (us)
te (you) os (you)
le (him; her; you; it) les (them; you)
So for this, I suggest that you need to look very closely at the sentence. Can you use "nos"? Can you use "les" in the sentence?
Please feel free to post your response and someone may probably check it.
rewrite each statement two ways using object pronouns : Tenemos que recordar la informacion.
2 answers
Tenemos que recordarla -or- la tenemos que recordar