Rewrite each sentence, placing commas where they are needed. Uderline each compound subject once compound predicate twice.

1. The bat and glove(C.S) are in the bench.(C.P.)

2. The ballplayer swimmer, and runner, come(C.S.) from the same town.(C.P.)

3. The girl can run fast jump far,(C.S.) and, throw hard.(C.P.)

5 answers

1. CS but not a CP
2. CS but not CP. No comma is needed.
3. No CS but a CP. Wrong commas.
but i need to underline the CS once and the CP twice and put a comas were is go

im confuse im
A compound subject has two or more subjects.

A compound predicate has two or more verbs.

Please go back and study your book.
1. Your bat ball and glove are/ on the bench.=

2. The ballplayer swimmer and runner come/ from same town.=

3. The girl can run fast, jump far and/ throw hard.=

im right or wrong im sorry to bother so much my mom is really sick and im confuse :(.