Rewrite all of the following sentences so they are in the active voice. Some sentences could contain more than one passive verb; correct them all.

The Montgomery Avenue sink hole was finally repaired today by county employees after extended work delays.

My Answer:

The sink hole at Montgomery avenue were repaired today by the county employees after extended delays.

Iowa’s state lottery bill was approved by the Senate in a close vote taken this morning.

My Answer:

Iowa's state senate approved the lottery bill this morning in a close vote.

24 answers

The Montgomery Avenue sink hole was finally repaired today by county employees after extended work delays. <~~Who did the repairing??

Your second sentence's correction is right.
The Montgomery avenue sink hole was finally repaired by the county employee after extended delays?

Please is this right and u said the second one is right?

Iowa's state senate approved the lottery bill this morning in a close vote.
The Montgomery avenue sink hole was finally repaired by the county employee after extended delays? <~~Again I ask, WHO did the repairs??

Iowa's state senate approved the lottery bill this morning in a close vote. <~~correct
The Montgomery avenue sink hole was finally repaired by the county employee after extended delays? <~~Again I ask, WHO did the repairs??

the county employees
Start the revised sentence with those three words.

The county employees ...
(how will you finish this?)
The Montgomery avenue sink hole was finally repaired after extended delays by the county employees.
If you don't follow directions, we can't be of much help to you.

What do you think "start the sentence with these words" means?
meaning the subject has to start the sentence. if i am right.
Thank, i learn this from you yesterday.

The Montgomery avenue sink hole was finally repaired after extended delays by the county employees.

so is this right?
so what am i doing wrong with that one?
Are these your first three words? "The county employees..."

The county employees finally repaired the montgomery avenue sink home after extended delays.
Yes ... at last!
ok thank you now the next one

Sharp Elementary School Principal Ellen Hayes said her school failed to meet state education requirements because she was continually undermined by the teacher’s union.
"... because she was continually undermined by the teacher’s union. "

That is the part with passive voice in it; the sentence up to that point is in active voice.

So ... who did the undermining??
(who - becomes the new subject IN THIS CLAUSE ONLY)
the principal Ellen
The principal undermined herself????

That doesn't make sense.


I'll try a different way to explain active and passive. I hope this makes sense.

Active voice means that the SUBJECT is doing the action of the VERB.
Ex: John hit the baseball.
Ex: Sally finished her homework for the night.

Passive voice means that the SUBJECT receives the action of the VERB.
Ex: The baseball was hit by John.
Ex: The homework for the night was finished by Sally.
ok i got this part so now the teacher is doing the undermind
ok now let me try and put it together and see if i can get it

Sharp Elementary School Principal Ellen Hayes said her school failed to meet state education requirements because she was continually undermined by the teacher’s union.

Sharp elementary school principal ellen hayes said because the teachers union undermined her that why her school fail to meet the state education requirement
Getting there ... but still not smooth.

Change ONLY the part in the sentence (below) that is underlined. Don't change any of the rest.

Sharp Elementary School Principal Ellen Hayes said her school failed to meet state education requirements because she was continually undermined by the teacher’s union.
Sharp Elementary School Principal Ellen Hayes said her school failed to meet state education requirements because the teachers union continue to undermine her.
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