reword this to very simple and shorter: Thesaurus, dictionary, dictionaryThis question asks to determine which reference source each student should use to correct their essays based on the teacher's feedback.

Celina should use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words she overused, thus improving her essay's vocabulary and reducing repetition. Mike should consult a dictionary to verify the correct part of speech for the words he used, ensuring accurate grammar and usage. Toni should use a dictionary to confirm the definitions of the words she used, making sure they align with her intended meanings and avoiding misinterpretations.

1 answer

This question asks which reference each student should use to fix their essays based on the teacher's feedback.

Celina should use a thesaurus for synonyms to enhance her vocabulary and reduce repetition. Mike should check a dictionary to confirm the correct parts of speech for his words to ensure proper grammar. Toni should also use a dictionary to verify the definitions of her words to avoid misunderstandings.