Reword this to sound more like an 8th grade student:I would create a video montage showcasing moments from previous late nights out with friends, capturing the fun and camaraderie we share together. I would purposefully include shots of us responsibly making plans, checking in with each other, and sticking to curfew. However, I would leave out any scenes involving risky behavior or irresponsible choices to reassure the adult of our reliability and safety. The video would emphasize the positive experiences and memories we have created, while also highlighting our maturity and ability to handle late nights responsibly.

1 answer

I want to make a cool video that shows all the fun times I've had with my friends when we stay out late. I'll make sure to include clips of us being responsible, like making plans and checking in with each other. I won't show anything risky or unsafe, I want to show adults that we can be trusted. The video will focus on all the good times we've had and how mature we are when it comes to staying out late.