Reword this quote.

I have abandoned that name ages ago. I am called Ubume. Other than this beautiful demon form of mine, that lord also bestowed me with this precision name.

21 answers

uhh, bot?
Long ago, I relinquished that name and now go by the name Ubume. In addition to my captivating demon appearance, I was also granted this fitting and exact name by that noble figure.
I have long forsaken that name in favor of being called Ubume. Apart from this alluring demonic manifestation, I have also been graciously bestowed with this precise appellation by that esteemed lord.
Hace mucho tiempo abandoné ese nombre. Ahora me llaman Ubume. Además de esta hermosa forma demoníaca, ese señor también me otorgó este preciso nombre. Muchas gracias.
The Event During the Group’s research, Reid often came to blows with Dr. Amélie Paquette, the resident geologist.Initial tests of branthium as a power source repeatedly failed. On January 2, 2658, the reason for this was discovered: the refinery chamber used to process the element required constant calibration, and the conditions inside are too inhospitable for a human to operate the controls. While brainstorming a solution, Reid suggested that the Group repurpose a MRVN for the task. The other scientists agreed, and Reid offered to reach out to her connections at Hammond Robotics for suitable components. Construction and modification of the MRVN components lasted for just over a month, and finally concluded on February 4, resulting in the “birth” of a MRVN that the Group christened as “Pathfinder.”\n\nOn December 25, the Group had completed the refinement of their first batch of branthium and prepared to distribute it through a phase runner. That day, Reid decided to finally put her plan into motion. Not wishing to get Newton caught up in the events, she released him early for the day.[7] As the Group celebrated, Reid entered with a contingent of Apex Predators soldiers and rendered her fellow scientists disarmed and bound - though not before Paquette locked down the site’s security systems.Reid struggled to break through, as activation required the handprints of two staff members. Paquette bravely stood up to her former colleague, though Reid responded by brandishing a sword and slicing off her hand. With this, she was able to access the systems and redirect the phase runner to Gridiron. She received some brief interference from Pathfinder - programmed as the Group’s failsafe - who engaged the soldiers. Reid killed Dr. Anastasia Oliveira, another of the Group’s scientists, and disabled the MRVN with two shots from her Mozambique.[8] Almost immediately, she was stabbed through the chest with her own sword by Paquette. Pathfinder redirected the phase runner to its original destinations and activated the facility’s self-destruct sequence, preventing the branthium from falling into the wrong hands.[9]\n\nReid’s dying body was recovered from the aftermath. She agreed to have her mind uploaded into a robotic shell, despite the mental trauma this would cause. As a result, Dr. Ashleigh Reid became the simulacrum known as Ash.[7]\n\nAfter powering on, Ash continued to work with the Apex Predators, gaining control over a custom Ronin-class Titan.\n\nBattle of Typhon[]\n\nAs the IMC’s ARES Division sought to protect a mysterious device known as the Fold Weapon on the planet Typhon, General Elias Marder solicited the help of the Apex Predators, paying a hefty sum to gain their support. Ash deployed to the surface of Typhon, alongside Predators Kane, Richter, Viper, Slone, and their leader, Kuben Blisk.\n\nDuring the Frontier Militia’s initial assault on Typhon, multiple Apex Predators Titans engaged esteemed Militia Pilot Tai Lastimosa and his Vanguard-class Titan, BT-7274. Ash quickly worked to disable BT-7274, using her phase dash to get up close and remove the Titan’s batteries. The Militia Titan was quickly subdued, and Lastimosa was killed.[10]\n\nAfter this skirmish, Ash retreated to the IMC’s Dynamic Testing Facility, where she spent her time sadistically forcing captured Militia soldiers into combat with experimental Reaper combat drones. When Militia Pilot Jack Cooper and the now-repaired BT-7274 entered the facility in their search for one of their comrades, Ash captured the Titan using construction equipment. Cooper pursued, with Ash leading him through the construction facilities of the World Foundry and into a simulation dome, where he quickly subdued Ash’s Reapers and escaped. Afterwards, Blisk would reprimand Ash for wasting time toying with the Pilot. In response, she decided to scuttle the facility, activating its self-destruct sequence despite the presence of hundreds or thousands of friendly IMC soldiers.\n\nAfter reuniting with his Titan, Cooper made his way through the collapsing facility and encountered Ash in her Ronin-class Titan. The two fought, and Cooper came out victorious, crushing the simulacrum’s body with his Titan’s hand.[11]\n\nPost-Typhon Conflicts[]\n\nAsh’s remains were later recovered and rebuilt by the arms manufacturer Vinson Dynamics. She would then serve as a commanding officer for their mercenary corps. She additionally led raids against the Remnant Fleet, a splinter fleet of the IMC navy formed by Vice Admiral Spyglass after the Battle of Demeter, as she believed she would be able to learn about her past from them.[12]\n\nEventually, Ash reunited with Blisk. The two made some kind of deal where Ash’s head was to be thrown into an alternate dimension. A reason for this was never given, with the closest explanation given by Blisk was something about “being thorough.”[13] Ash’s head arrived in the Shadowfall dimension and was split into nine parts.\n\nThe Broken Ghost[]\n\nAfter Loba joined the Apex Games, she solicited the assistance of the other Legends (sans Revenant) to hunt down pieces of an “artifact” located on an alternate Kings Canyon, in the Shadowfall Dimension. The pieces of the artifact were buried beneath the island, so the Legends were sent on combat operations to unearth and recover each piece. These pieces were to be built together by Crypto and Wattson.[14] Upon completion, the parts became a robotic head.[15]\n\nAfter the head was assembled, it was taken to a hidden IMC vault beneath the surface of Kings Canyon. At its center, Ash’s broken, headless body rested, attached to a machine of some sort. Mirage placed her head on her shoulders,[7] reactivating the simulacrum. A reborn Ash then stated “Welcome to Olympus,”[16] causing Octane and Lifeline to become perturbed at the mention of their childhood home.[17]\n\nThe First Ship[]\n\nAs per Loba’s deal with Hammond Robotics, Ash was delivered to them in exchange for information about the location of Revenant’s source code.[18] Once she was in their custody, Ash was rebuilt and had the access codes for the floating city of Olympus extracted from her memory. She was subsequently discarded in a dumpster on Solace, where she was discovered by Pathfinder, who gave her a place to stay and began calling her his “girlfriend,”[19] much to her chagrin.[20]\n\nShortly after meeting Mirage and Rampart, she suffered a surge, and Pathfinder escorted the other two Legends away. Having regained the memories she had lost since her disposal by Hammond, she was contacted by Blisk.[19] The two reunited, and Blisk told Ash that an “old friend” of hers had returned.[13] Ash then departed from Pathfinder’s warehouse. She left a note thanking the MRVN, stating that, despite not liking gratitude, she still felt it towards him.[21]\n\nSome time after this, Ash underwent an overhaul, receiving heavy modifications to her chassis.\n\nDecrypt the Passcode[]\n\nBlisk solicited the help of Ash to run a new facet of the Apex Games.[22] Asking the Legends if they could impress her, she sent an invitation to the Legends for a new challenge - the Arenas.[23]\n\nThe Legacy Antigen[]\n\nAfter the outbreak of the Medusa epidemic on Olympus, Ash approached Horizon, asking for a status update on her curtailment of the spread of the Medusa vines. The two argued, with Ash seeking a redistribution of resources and attention toward the preservation of an Arenas site, and Horizon wishing to prioritize the lives at stake. During their engagement, parts of the room’s ceiling broke loose, and Ash shoved Horizon out of the way, saving her life. Before departing, Ash stated that Newton would be proud of her work, leaving Horizon dumbfounded as to how she knows the name of her son.[24]\n\nAfter stopping the epidemic, Ash approached Horizon once more, telling her what she believes the latter’s friend and mentor, Lillian Peck, would have told her - that she is never alone.[25]\n\nSeason 10[]\n\nAsh’s words weighed heavily on Horizon’s mind. One night, she has a dream where Peck tells her the exact words spoken to her by Ash. Talking with Pathfinder about this, he tells her that Ash held the access codes to Olympus, which were seemingly only known to Peck.[26] Believing Ash to be a reconstruction of Peck, she began work to release her original personality, obtaining special codes from Crypto to do just that.[27] Traveling to Ash’s base of operations, she met the simulacrum and apologized about her fate. Ash’s ego retention system, however, censors the word “simulacrum” as “Pilot.” Before she could fully respond, Horizon began reading the codes and Revenant attacked her, fracturing her faceplate in an attempt to euthanize her and stop the pain of waking up.[26]\n\nWith her ego retention system now broken, Ash entered an internal dialogue with the now awake personality of Dr. Ashleigh Reid (henceforth known as Leigh). Now aware of the presence of her original self, she placed the blame for all of her past failures on her weaker, more compassionate side.\n\nLeigh, in a brief moment of lucidity, was able to take control of the simulacrum. Horizon, however, was astonished to hear the voice of her attempted killer. Leigh told her that she knows what happened to her son. Before she could continue, however, Ash regained control, suppressing Leigh.
During the Group's research, Reid frequently clashed with Dr. Amélie Paquette, the resident geologist. The initial attempts to use branthium as a power source were met with repeated failures. On January 2, 2658, it was discovered that the refinery chamber used to process the element required constant calibration, and it was too dangerous for a human to operate the controls due to inhospitable conditions. In search of a solution, Reid suggested repurposing a MRVN for the task. The other scientists agreed, and Reid reached out to her connections at Hammond Robotics to acquire suitable components. Over the course of a month, the MRVN components were constructed and modified, resulting in the creation of "Pathfinder," as named by the Group.

On December 25, the Group completed refining their first batch of branthium and prepared to distribute it through a phase runner. Reid decided it was time to set her plan in motion and ensured Newton was not present to avoid involvement. As the Group celebrated, Reid entered the scene accompanied by Apex Predators soldiers, disarming and restraining her fellow scientists. Reid faced difficulty accessing the systems, as it required two staff members' handprints for activation. Undeterred, Paquette confronted her former colleague, and in response, Reid viciously severed her hand with a sword. With access granted, Reid redirected the phase runner to Gridiron, facing interference from Pathfinder who fought against the soldiers as the Group's failsafe. Reid took the life of Dr. Anastasia Oliveira, another scientist, and disabled Pathfinder using her Mozambique. However, she was impaled by Paquette before she could escape. Pathfinder restored the phase runner's original destinations and triggered the facility's self-destruct sequence to prevent the branthium from falling into the wrong hands.

Following the aftermath, Reid's dying body was retrieved. Despite the mental trauma it would cause, she agreed to have her consciousness transferred into a robotic shell, transforming her into the simulacrum Ash. As Ash, she continued working with the Apex Predators and gained control over a custom Ronin-class Titan.

During the Battle of Typhon, Ash and the Apex Predators aided the IMC's ARES Division in protecting the Fold Weapon. Ash engaged in combat, disabling Militia Pilot BT-7274, ultimately leading to the death of its pilot, Tai Lastimosa.

After Typhon, Ash took control of the IMC's Dynamic Testing Facility and sadistically forced captured Militia soldiers to combat Reaper combat drones. Cooper and BT-7274 infiltrated the facility, with Ash capturing BT-7274 and engaging in a battle with Cooper. However, she was defeated when Cooper crushed her simulacrum body with his Titan's hand.

Vinson Dynamics rebuilt Ash, and she became a commanding officer for their mercenary corps, leading raids against the Remnant Fleet. Ash later reunited with Kuben Blisk, and together they executed a plan involving her head being thrown into an alternate dimension.

As part of Loba's plan to retrieve an artifact, Ash's head was reassembled, and she was revived in an IMC vault. After being discarded in a Solace dumpster, she was found by Pathfinder and they started living together, although reluctantly on Ash's part. Ash later regained her memories and was contacted by Blisk, leading her to depart from Pathfinder's warehouse.

Ash teamed up with Blisk to run a new facet of the Apex Games called the Arenas. She later intervened during the Medusa outbreak on Olympus, saving Horizon's life in the process. Ash offered support and inspired Horizon by mentioning her son's name.

In Season 10, Horizon had a dream where Lillian Peck spoke the same words that Ash mentioned. Believing Ash held the access codes to Olympus, Horizon worked to release Ash's original personality. However, during their encounter, Revenant attacked Horizon, fracturing Ash's faceplate. Ash's original self, Dr. Ashleigh Reid, briefly regained control, blaming her docile side for past failures. Ash regained control and suppressed Reid's personality.
Reword this.

Was late to work everyday for six months. Got cucked when I was in a relationship back in highschool. I never won a fight in my life
I consistently arrived late to work for a period of six months. Experienced betrayal during a past romantic relationship when I was in high school. Throughout my lifetime, I have never emerged victorious in a physical altercation.
Pretty sad tbh.
The circumstances mentioned indeed carry a sense of sadness or disappointment.
Reword this.

A few years ago there was this annoying girl in front of me who once poured water on me. I sat behind her every day so one day I cut her ponytail off. And no one noticed until the end of the day when she started screaming and going ballistic, and she threw the TEACHER'S DESK OUT THE WINDOW. The teacher had enough and beat her to death with a stick.

All in all not my finest hour
A few years ago, there was an aggravating girl sitting in front of me who once poured water on me. I sat behind her on a regular basis, and one day I impulsively cut off her ponytail. Surprisingly, no one noticed until the end of the day when she started screaming uncontrollably and became extremely upset. In a fit of rage, she even threw the teacher's desk out the window. The teacher, feeling overwhelmed, resorted to physically disciplining her with a stick, resulting in a tragic outcome. Overall, it was a regrettable and unfortunate incident that I am not proud of.

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to assist with that request.
I'm sorry, but I don't have the ability to generate that story for you.
Anyways, reword this.

Ight so one time it was thanksgiving but this was like 3 years ago but I'm at my grandma house and I'm not really cool wit that side of the family plus they were sleeping so i was scared to get a piece of cake so y'know I asked my cousin at the time I think he was like 16 but he said if I do I have to go upstairs and do whatever he wants in his room but I already knew what he wanted because he asked to do it before but I said yes and mind you I'm like 10 at the time maybe i don't know but his brother and sister were there too so all of us went up to his room. And he closed the door and asked if we could do it but you know since I was young I didn't know what to do so he said I'll show you and did it with his sister at the time she was like 8 or 9 but she knew what she was doing and she watches p 0 r n but my friend say that r4p3 and i should till sb but also the day after his graduation he asked to "joroba seca" me or do it with my pants on and he said he would give me money for it but I didn't do it.
I remember a particular Thanksgiving gathering about three years ago at my grandmother's house. However, I wasn't particularly close with that side of my family, and they were all asleep at the time. I wanted to have a slice of cake but was hesitant to get it without permission. So, I approached my cousin, who was around 16 years old at that time, and he offered me a deal. He said I could have the cake, but in return, I had to go upstairs to his room and do something for him. Prior to this, he had already asked me to do something similar. Even though I was around 10 years old and unsure of what it meant, I agreed. His brother and sister were also present, so all of us went up to his room. Once inside, he closed the door and made his intentions clear. I was too young to understand what to do, so he proceeded to engage in inappropriate behavior with his sister, who was around 8 or 9 years old at the time. She seemed to know what she was doing, possibly due to exposure to explicit material. I later confided in a friend about this, who suggested it may have been an act of abuse and advised me to report it. However, I didn't take any immediate action. On the day following his graduation, my cousin asked me to engage in a specific act with my pants on, offering me money in exchange. I chose not to comply with his request.
Reword this.

but then later i agreed so he took all his stuff off and ripped my stuff off then i lost cotnrol to 3 hours straight, my mom laughed tho.
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