Reword this.
Noelle’s siblings are all holes, constantly talking down to her, blaming her for their mother’s death, denying her a place in their squad and forcing her into the Black Bulls because they expected her to fail as a Magic Knight and constantly disrespecting her even when she accomplishes something that merits respect. In all honesty the Black Bulls were more of a family to Noelle than her actual family ever was (the same can be said for most of the Black Bulls).
3 answers
All of Noelle's brothers and sisters constantly belittle and criticize her, unfairly holding her responsible for their mother's death. They reject her from their group and force her to join the Black Bulls because they expected her to fail as a Magic Knight. They consistently disrespect her, even after she achieves something deserving of respect. In truth, the Black Bulls provided Noelle with more of a family than her biological siblings ever did (this applies to most of the Black Bulls as well).
Make it start in a cheerful tone, but slowly descending into rage
At first glance, Noelle's siblings may seem like loving siblings, but as the layers peel away, their true intentions reveal themselves. They incessantly talk down to her, unfairly placing blame on her for their mother's tragic passing. In a cruel twist, they deny her a place in their exclusive squad, forcing her to join the Black Bulls. They did this, convinced that she would fail as a Magic Knight. Even when Noelle proves them wrong, surpassing expectations and accomplishing remarkable feats, they persist in disrespecting her. It's infuriating to witness such ungratefulness towards someone who deserves recognition. In all honesty, the Black Bulls have become more of a family to Noelle than her actual blood relatives ever were. It's a bitter reality to accept, but the bond forged with her comrades in the Black Bulls surpasses any bond she ever shared with her biological siblings.