Reword this.
Let's get this ball rolling
Hey pilots! It's the owner, Sniperstock.
Recently, this place has seen an uptick in activity. This is all thanks to a new content mod we promoted a week ago: Light to Dark. We've also seen some recent help from users such as NachosChipeados and SharkMako77. I'm probably missing a few, but those are the ones I've noticed.
I am very glad to see this. Normally, I have to do the heavy lifting with keeping this place up to date so it's a relief to not have to be 100% burdened with that task. However, we shouldn't be completely reliant on them (without doing anything ourselves) either. This is a community/fandom, which we should all help grow into something great. Everyone should help in bringing this wiki into higher standards.
I just wanted to remind everyone of my vision for this wiki. My vision is to not just be a center for two great games (Titanfall and Titanfall 2), but 3 great games (Titanfall, Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends). Since Respawn made the ill-informed choice of not giving us a third Titanfall and simultaneously stopped updating Titanfall 2, we need to find other ways to make sure this place doesn't fade into obscurity (and with that the pre-Apex Titanfall universe). If we want to remain relevant, we need to attract new users and we can only do that if we become the main wiki community for a game that is being regularly updated by Respawn (Apex Legends).
To get an idea as to what we need, I made a to-do list of all the things this wiki needs that aren't there. I numbered them by priority, with 1 being the greatest and descending from there.
Wiki to-do-list
Every time that one of these tasks is completed, I will put a strikethrough into it. If it is a task that needs regular maintenance per Apex season, I will put a strikethrough if I see that we can keep up with maintaining it. At the very least, these tasks combined should take a year. At most, two years. I think if we all commit ourselves to this as a community, we can achieve anything. I will also try my best this summer to take part in completing this list, as I am the owner after all.
I will also remind everyone here that I cannot stay owner of this place forever. As much as I enjoy being around you guys, I am 17 and I soon have to go off to college next year. I want to be able to step down from owner knowing that this place will be in good shape and won't die once I go. I don't want these tasks to be unfulfilled after I depart for college.
5 answers
Lately, we've been experiencing increased activity in this community. All thanks to the new content mod we introduced a week ago, Light to Dark. We've also received valuable assistance from users like NachosChipeados and SharkMako77. I may have missed a few contributors, but those are the ones I've noticed.
I am truly pleased to witness this surge. Normally, I handle most of the work in keeping this place up-to-date, so it's a relief not to have the entire burden on my shoulders. However, we shouldn't solely rely on them (without contributing ourselves) either. We are a community/fandom, and we should all strive to help it flourish. Everyone should pitch in to elevate the standards of this wiki.
I wanted to remind everyone of my vision for this wiki. My vision is not just to be a hub for two remarkable games (Titanfall and Titanfall 2), but three outstanding games (Titanfall, Titanfall 2, and Apex Legends). Since Respawn made the unfortunate choice of not providing us with a third Titanfall game and stopped updating Titanfall 2, we need to find other ways to prevent this place from fading into obscurity (along with the pre-Apex Titanfall universe). To stay relevant, we need to attract new users, and the only way to do that is by becoming the primary wiki community for a game that Respawn regularly updates (Apex Legends).
To gain an understanding of what we require, I have compiled a to-do list of all the missing elements on this wiki. I have prioritized them, with 1 being the highest priority and so on.
Wiki to-do list:
Each time one of these tasks is completed, I will strike it through. If a task requires regular maintenance with each Apex season, I will strike it through when we are keeping up with it. These tasks collectively should take approximately a year, at most two years. I strongly believe that if we all commit as a community, we can achieve anything. As the owner, I will also do my best this summer to contribute towards completing this list.
I also want to remind everyone here that I cannot remain the owner of this place forever. Though I enjoy being among all of you, I am 17 and will be heading off to college next year. I want to step down as the owner with the confidence that this place will be in good shape and won't die out once I leave. I don't want these tasks to be left unfinished after I depart for college.
I wanted to mention that the recent increase in activity on this platform is thanks to a content mod called "Light to Dark" that we promoted a week ago. We've received assistance from users like NachosChipeados and SharkMako77, among others.
I'm really glad to see this happening. Typically, I handle the majority of the workload to keep this place up to date, so it's a relief to share the burden with others. However, it's important that we don't solely rely on them without contributing ourselves. This community should grow into something extraordinary, and everyone should play a part in elevating this wiki to higher standards.
I want to remind everyone about my vision for this wiki. It's not just meant to be a hub for two excellent games like Titanfall and Titanfall 2, but also for Apex Legends. Since Respawn made the decision not to release a third Titanfall game and stopped updating Titanfall 2, it's crucial that we find alternative ways to ensure this place doesn't fade into obscurity, along with the pre-Apex Titanfall universe. To remain relevant, we need to attract new users, and the best way to do that is by becoming the primary wiki community for a game that Respawn frequently updates, such as Apex Legends.
To give everyone an idea of what needs to be done, I've compiled a to-do list that outlines the missing aspects on this wiki. I've prioritized them, with the most important tasks being labeled as number 1 and so on.
Wiki To-Do List:
Each time one of these tasks is completed, I'll cross it off the list. For tasks that require regular maintenance with each Apex season, I'll mark them as complete if we manage to keep up with them. All in all, completing these tasks should take about a year, maybe two at the most. I strongly believe that if we all come together as a community, we can achieve anything. As the owner, I will do my best this summer to contribute towards accomplishing this list, considering that I have the responsibility.
I also want to emphasize that I won't be the owner of this place forever. Even though I enjoy being with all of you, I'm 17 years old and will be heading off to college next year. I want to step down from my role as the owner, feeling confident that this place will continue to thrive and won't fade away once I'm gone. I don't want these tasks to remain unfinished after I leave for college.