In that specific instant, I comprehended the extent of my affection for her, the value she held in my heart.
"Are you able to perceive my presence?" I shouted anxiously, my voice trembling. She emitted a moan in reply, her eyelids flickering open. A wave of relief washed over me upon realizing that she remained alive.
While ascending through the shattered window, my gaze rapidly scanned the surroundings, diligently seeking any hint of my grandmother's whereabouts.
reword these sentences:
It was in that moment that I realized how much I cared for her, how much she meant to me.
Can you hear me?" I called out, my voice laced with fear. She groaned in response, her eyes fluttering open. Relief flooded over me as I realized she was alive.
As I climbed out of the broken window, my eyes darted around, searching for any sign of my grandma.
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