Reword. Don't shorten. Make informational and not emotional.
The Carthage Spider have no eyes and likely hunt through sound, they have extendable mouths which they use to inject venom into their prey as well as catching their prey. Unlike spiders on Earth Carthage Spiders have only 6 legs instead of 8, their legs are sharp and needle like and are used to grab prey which they'll wrap in the web they produce. They have hair like spikes on their abdomen that may be used to help them maneuver due to their lack of eyesight. The blood of these spiders is green.
The Carthage Spiders most often interact with humans on Storm Point due to the high human activity from the Apex Games, Storm Point seems to be an active breeding ground for the Spiders as many of their egg sacks can be found scattered over the island.
11 answers
The Carthage Spider, known for its unique characteristics, does not possess eyes and relies heavily on sound for hunting. With extendable mouths, they inject venom into their prey while using their sharp, needle-like legs to catch and wrap them in their webs. These spiders, unlike their counterparts on Earth, have only six legs and sport hair-like spikes on their abdomen, possibly aiding in their maneuvering abilities. It is noteworthy that these spiders have green blood.
Interestingly, the Carthage Spiders frequently come into contact with humans in Storm Point, primarily due to the bustling human activity from the popular Apex Games. Storm Point appears to be a favored breeding ground for these spiders, as numerous egg sacks can be observed scattered across the island.
INFORMATIONAL not emotional.
The Carthage Spider lacks eyes and primarily relies on sound for hunting. It possesses extendable mouths used for injecting venom into prey and capturing them. Unlike typical spiders with eight legs, Carthage Spiders have six sharp, needle-like legs that aid in seizing and wrapping their prey in webs. The presence of hair-like spikes on their abdomen may assist in maneuvering without visual cues. Notably, these spiders have green blood.
Carthage Spiders frequently interact with humans in Storm Point due to the high human activity associated with the Apex Games. Storm Point serves as a prominent breeding ground for these spiders, evident from the scattered egg sacks found throughout the island.
Plural "spiders".
The Carthage Spiders lack eyes and primarily rely on sound for hunting. They possess extendable mouths used for injecting venom into prey and capturing them. Unlike typical spiders with eight legs, Carthage Spiders have six sharp, needle-like legs that aid in seizing and wrapping their prey in webs. The presence of hair-like spikes on their abdomen may assist in maneuvering without visual cues. Notably, these spiders have green blood.
Carthage Spiders frequently interact with humans in Storm Point due to the high human activity associated with the Apex Games. Storm Point serves as a prominent breeding ground for these spiders, evident from the scattered egg sacks found throughout the island.
Same with this one.
The Carthage Spider of the Amelia Mountain Range have 8 red eyes and 8 legs unlike their 6 legged eyeless counter-part found in the New Antilla Archipelago. The Amelia Mountain Range Carthage Spider bare a strong resemblance to the spiders of Earth, except for their mammoth-class size designation.
The bodies of these spider-like creatures are maroon in coloration and their blood is orange. Unlike the Carthage Spider of the New Antilla Archipelago these spiders do not have extendable mouths. They hunt in packs and will tie up their prey in massive dens made of webs.
These spiders were used by Caustic and the rest of the Legends to cure the effects of the Medusa Vines which poisoned Bangalore, the agatoxins of the spider which are also used in Caustic's gas was used to help cure the effects of the Medusa Vines poison.
The Carthage Spiders found in the Amelia Mountain Range possess 8 red eyes and 8 legs, distinguishing them from their 6-legged, eyeless counterparts in the New Antilla Archipelago. Visually, the Amelia Mountain Range Carthage Spiders bear a significant resemblance to Earth spiders, albeit with a significantly larger size classification.
These spider-like creatures feature maroon-colored bodies, and their blood is orange. Unlike their New Antilla Archipelago counterparts, they do not possess extendable mouths. The Amelia Mountain Range Carthage Spiders hunt in packs and construct massive dens made of webs to restrain their prey.
It is worth noting that these spiders played a role in the Legends' actions, specifically Caustic's involvement, to counteract the effects of the Medusa Vines' poison on Bangalore. The spider's agatoxins, also employed in Caustic's gas, were utilized to help mitigate the effects of the Medusa Vines' poison.
Carthage Spiders vary in size from a foot tall to as large as twice the size of a human when fully grown. They're extremely aggressive and are opportunistic hunters who'll prey on nearly anything including humans. Prey that Carthage Spiders catch are wrapped in a web they make.
Carthage Spiders exhibit a wide size range, with some individuals measuring as small as a foot tall while others can grow to be twice the size of a human when fully mature. These spiders display incredibly aggressive tendencies and are known to be opportunistic hunters, targeting a diverse range of prey, including humans. When capturing their prey, Carthage Spiders ensnare them in intricate webs that they construct.
Orthros is the moon of the planet Typhon. It was destroyed in an IMC test of the Fold Weapon, as a stand-in for the planet Harmony. It is unknown if Orthos is the same size as harmony or not because if the moon was supposed to be a test for the planet harmony, harmony and Orthos would likely be similar sizes.
Orthros is one of the moons orbiting the planet Typhon. During an IMC test of the Fold Weapon, Orthros was deliberately destroyed, serving as a substitute for the planet Harmony. Whether Orthros is comparable in size to Harmony remains uncertain. Considering its use as a testing proxy for Harmony, it is plausible that Orthros and Harmony may have similar dimensions.