Review the text
At the time of NASA's founding, the goal of space exploration seemed worth the risk and expense it might incur. NASA was created during the Cold War, a conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. The two superpowers competed with each other to advance in their military and scientific efforts. Space exploration was one area for that competition and
became known as the
"space race." The Soviet Union's launch of the satellite Sputnik into space in 1957 was taken as a sign that it was winning this space race. The United States responded by founding NASA and announcing the goal of putting a man on the moon, which it achieved in 1969. At the time, NASA was an important symbol of national pride and scientific innovation.
What does this paragraph do?
A. It discusses the outcome of World War Il and the development of the Cold War.
B. It provides historical information about the establishment of NASA and space exploration.
C. It explains that the United States is still in an ongoing battle to defeat the Soviet Union.
D. It argues that space exploration isn't necessary now that the Cold War has ended.
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