Review the job titles and descriptions in the newspaper and database.
• Select one job from each source.
• Create a résumé you would use for hardcopy distribution and one you would use for online distribution. You may use the résumé template at the BAC Web site for this assignment.
• Write a job-application letter to accompany one of the résumés. You may use a letter template at the BAC Web site for this assignment.
• Post your response to this question: Provide the job title and description for each job. What are the main differences between your hardcopy and online submissions?
• Post the résumés and letter as attachments to your response.
How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
I need help in writting a Create a résumé you would use for hardcopy distribution and one you would use for online distribution. One for a receptionist position the other for a warehouse position. Also with Writting a job-application letter to accompany one of the résumés. Also with answering these questions Provide the job title and description for each job. What are the main differences between your hardcopy and online submissions? Please HELP!!!
Resume -- hardcopy and online distribution --
Use the template at the BAC website or follow the suggestions at these sites.
Writing a job-application letter to accompany one of the résumés.
Please use the template at the BAC website. This site may also be useful.
Provide the job title and description for each job.
You said that one job title is receptionist. What is the job description for this position? What is the job title for the warehouse position? What are the duties?
After you've researched the BAC website for templates and written your resume and letter, I'm sure you can see the differences between the hardcopy and online submissions.
If you'd like to post your resume and letter here, we'll be glad to critique them for you. Please be sure you've spelled all words correctly.