Review the information for a newspaper article that a student intends to include on a works cited page.

Newspaper: Hartford Times-Dispatch
Section: Metro
Title of Article: Snow Removal Woes
Pages: B12
Author: Leigh Barrett
Date of Publication: January 12, 2012

Which citation is formatted correctly using MLA guidelines?

Barrett, Leigh. Snow Removal Woes. “Hartford Times-Dispatch” 12 January 2012: B12. Print.
Barrett, Leigh. Snow Removal Woes. Hartford Times-Dispatch, Metro Section 12 January 2012: B12.
Barrett, Leigh. “Snow Removal Woes.” Hartford Times-Dispatch 12 January 2012: B12. Print.
Barrett, Leigh. “Snow Removal Woes.” Hartford Times-Dispatch, Metro Section 12 January 2012: B12.

1 answer

The correctly formatted citation using MLA guidelines is:

Barrett, Leigh. “Snow Removal Woes.” Hartford Times-Dispatch, 12 January 2012, B12.

However, the options you provided include small formatting issues. The third option is closest but incorrectly punctuated. The correct format, which is not in the choices you've provided, should reflect italics for the newspaper title, no section indicated, and show the publication date with a comma.

If we were to revise one of the provided options based on correct MLA formatting, it would be:

Barrett, Leigh. “Snow Removal Woes.” Hartford Times-Dispatch, 12 Jan. 2012, B12.

If you require selection from your options, the third one seems the closest but lacks some formatting (the use of italics).