Review the cities located within the following longitude and latitude coordinates: 70-80 West Longitude and 30-40 North Latitude. Next, consult your local newspaper or other resource for the weather in these cities. Choose one of the cities found within these coordinates and describe its weather forecast in the space below.

ANSWER: Raleigh, North Carolina (PWS)
Mostly Cloudy: 12 °C
Humidity: 60%
Dew Point: 5 °C
Wind: 0 km/h

Wind Gust: 0 km/h
Pressure: 1026.0 hPa (Falling)
Visibility: 16.1 kilometers
UV: 0 out of 16
Pollen: .30 out of 12

Is this correct?!

6 answers

I would cite your source.
got it from the newspaper... but is it right?
What does 12 C equate to in Fahrenheit?

It also depends on time of day.
Maybe i didn't ask my question correctly.

70-80 West Longitude and 30-40 North Latitude, is it north carolina?!
Yes, Raleigh, NC, is in that area.