Review and Reflect

Today you will review all of the topics you have learned about in this unit.

Read through the following list. Make sure you feel confident about each topic before taking the unit test. If there are any topics you have forgotten or think you need to practice, go back and review those lessons now.

conducting short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources
determining how to create and use search terms effectively
gathering relevant information from at least three print and digital sources, assessing the credibility of the sources and following a standard format for citing sources
avoiding plagiarism when quoting or paraphrasing the data and conclusions of others
explaining how the ideas presented in diverse media and formats clarify a topic, text, or issue under study
determining the intended audience of a speaker’s argument
evaluating the soundness of the reasoning a speaker uses to support specific claims in an argument
evaluating the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence a speaker presents to support specific claims in an argument
Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least three sentences. You can use the following sentence starters as a guide.

I now know I can assess the credibility of a source by . . .
The best way for me to avoid plagiarism is to . . .
To evaluate any speaker’s reasoning and evidence, I should . . .
Study Tips
Are there any topics you need to go back and review? Use the following tips while studying:

Review your results on previous assessments in the unit and correct items that you missed.
Look at the list of topics under Review and give a quick oral description of what you learned in each lesson.
Explain to a family member how to use search terms and a search engine to find information online.
Paraphrase and cite information from any textbook or magazine article.
Listen to an online speech or podcast; then write a brief evaluation of the speaker’s reasoning and evidence.

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I now know I can assess the credibility of a source by looking at the author's credentials, the publication date, and checking for bias.
The best way for me to avoid plagiarism is to always cite my sources properly and to paraphrase information in my own words.
To evaluate any speaker's reasoning and evidence, I should ask myself if their arguments are logical and if they provide enough evidence to support their claims.

I will review these topics by practicing paraphrasing and citing sources, as well as listening to more speeches and evaluating the speaker's arguments.