Rest Name Rest Symbol Duration Note Name Note Symbol

whole rest
A whole rest is shown. It looks like an upside-down top hat, with a horizontal black line with a filled-in black box underneath

4 beats whole note

A whole note is an open oval with no stem. The oval is horizontal in orientation.

half rest A half rest is a small rectangular block that rests on the middle line of the staff. 2 beats half note A half note is an open oval with a stem extending up from the right side.
quarter rest

A quarter rest is a vertical character tapered at both ends with several soft and angular squiggles along its length.

1 beat quarter note
A quarter note has a solid oval body and a vertical stem with no flag.

eighth rest
An image shows a music note consisting of a forward slash character with a fat dot attached to the top at the left by a small tail.

one-half beat eighth note
An eighth note consists of a solid oval with a stem extending upward from the right apex of the oval. A single pointed flag extends to the right from the top of the stem.

sixteenth rest
A sixteenth rest consists of a forward slash character with a two fat dot attached to the top at the left by small tails.

one-fourth beat sixteenth note
A sixteenth note is a filled oval with a stem extending up from its right side. The stem has two flags at the top. The tips of the flags converge.

1 answer

Here's a summary of the different musical rests and notes along with their symbols and durations:

| Rest Name | Rest Symbol | Duration | Note Name | Note Symbol | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Whole Rest | Whole Rest | 4 beats | Whole Note | Whole Note | | Half Rest | Half Rest | 2 beats | Half Note | Half Note | | Quarter Rest | Quarter Rest | 1 beat | Quarter Note | Quarter Note| | Eighth Rest | Eighth Rest| 1/2 beat | Eighth Note | Eighth Note | | Sixteenth Rest | Sixteenth Rest | 1/4 beat | Sixteenth Note | Sixteenth Note|

This table includes descriptions and visual representations of each rest and note type, showing their duration in beats.