Respond to the following scenario:
o Your younger brother is in 5th grade. He comes home and tells you to look at an animation his teacher showed him in geology class.
o Review the Continents of the Past animation on this week¡¦s aXcess page.
o After viewing the animation, your brother has a look of disbelief on his face, ¡§C¡¦mon, really? Our whole continent moves? That¡¦s bogus!¡¨ Instead of blowing him off like you usually do, you decide to sit down and educate him about plate tectonics. First, you give him an overview about two historical figures that contributed to the plate tectonic theory. Then, you decide to show him how the plates move by boiling a pot of water and relating it to mantle convection and plate movement.
„h Write a 200- to 300-word summary about the two historical figures and the process of mantle convection and plate movement.
this is what i said
The two historical figures I chose are Harry Hess and Alfred Wegener.
Harry Hess ¡V Harry studied the arced chains of islands with active volcanoes. In 1953 he discovered the Great Global Rift. He is also known for his theories on the sea floor spreading.
Alfred Wegener- Alfred is remembered by for his theory of the Continental Drift. He suggested the earth¡¦s crust one continental block floating. He used land, fossils, and the climate evidence to support is view on the continental drift. In 1912 he argued the fact that all the continents were once joined together at one point in time and eventually drifted apart from each other.
Plate movement is the shifting of the Earth's core and crust. Plate movement can cause earthquakes, and tidal waves. The earth's outer shell is called the lithosphere. The movements of the plates are categorized in three types. The three types are convergent, divergent, and transform. Convergent means the plates move into in another. Divergent means the plates move apart from each other. Finally transform mean they move sideways.
10 answers
You also need to explain mangle convection. If you do that you should have close to 200 words.
mantle convection- there are two models for mantle convection. the first one is called a double layered and the second one is called the single layered. geoff davies considers the earth a single layer convention system. he also stated " plates are forming the upper thermal boundry layer and the core mantle boundry are forming the lower one." the plate is mode convection is responsible for 90% of the heat ;pass in the mantle. the plume mode covers the remaining 10%.
Harry Hess – Harry studied the arced chains of islands with active volcanoes. In 1953 he discovered the Great Global Rift. He is also known for his theories on the sea floor spreading.
Alfred Wegener- Alfred is remembered by for his theory of the Continental Drift. He suggested the earth’s crust one continental block floating. He used land, fossils, and the climate evidence to support is view on the continental drift. In 1912 he argued the fact that all the continents were once joined together at one point in time and eventually drifted apart from each other.
Plate movement is the shifting of the Earth's core and crust. Plate movement can cause earthquakes, and tidal waves. The earth's outer shell is called the lithosphere. The movements of the plates are categorized in three types. The three types are convergent, divergent, and transform. Convergent means the plates move into in another. Divergent means the plates move apart from each other. Finally transform means they move sideways.
Mantle convection- there are two models for mantle convection. The first one is called a double layered and the second one is called the single layered. Geoff Davies considers the earth a single layer convention system. He also stated “plates are forming the upper thermal boundary layer and the core mantle boundary is forming the lower one." The plate is mode convection is responsible for 90% of the heat loss in the mantle. The plume mode covers the remaining 10%.
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