First of all, in German all nouns are capitalized, so
1. Ich fahre zur Bank
2. Wir möchten Obst
3. In der Stadt
You make a response, and I will evaluate it.
Respond to each German phrase with a logical response
1. Ich fahre zu bank
2. Wir möchten obst
3. In der stadt
4. Ja, wir essen gerne Eis
5. Es gibt viel Verkehr
6. Wir gehen ins Kino
7. Sie liest Bücher gern
8. Ich laufe gern
9. Auf dem Land
10. Ich brauche Geld
3 answers
I am from Germany this is easy
Ill start you off
1.= (Im going back to) Finsh it
2. It is a phrase many phrases try (We would like to)
Try the other ones
Ill start you off
1.= (Im going back to) Finsh it
2. It is a phrase many phrases try (We would like to)
Try the other ones
Also for the second one it could be such as a want or a wish so you could always change the wording and it will possibly count