Both "Whoso List to Hunt" by Sir Thomas Wyatt and "Sonnet 30" by Edmund Spenser deal with unrequited love and the pursuit of an unattainable or elusive object of desire. In "Whoso List to Hunt," the speaker compares himself to a hunter in pursuit of a deer, but ultimately realizes that the object of his desire, represented by the deer, belongs to someone else. He says, "And graven with diamonds in letters plain, / There is written, her fair neck round about: / Noli me tangere, for Caesar's I am."
In "Sonnet 30," the speaker also uses a metaphor to convey his longing for someone who is unattainable. He compares himself to a sailor who is lost at sea, desperately searching for land. He says, "And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: / Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow, / For precious friends hid in death's dateless night."
Both poems, through their use of metaphor, depict the idea of longing and the pain of unrequited love. The speaker in "Whoso List to Hunt" attempts to pursue his desire but realizes he cannot possess it, while the sailor in "Sonnet 30" is lost and hopeless in his pursuit. These metaphors convey the emotional turmoil experienced by the speakers in their quest for love.
Overall, "Whoso List to Hunt" and "Sonnet 30" both explore the theme of unrequited love and the pain of pursuing an unattainable object of desire. The use of metaphors in both poems helps to convey the emotional depth and complexity of these feelings.
Respond in at least 5 sentence. The answer needs to be written in complete sentences. Include at least 1 quote from each poem "whoso List to Hunt" by Sir Thomas Wyatt and "Sonnet 30" by Edmund Spenser to earn full credit and support your response. Synthesize 1 metaphor in each poem that shares similarities with the poems "Whoso List to Hunt" by Sir Thomas Wyatt and sonnet" by Edmund Spenser. Note: Synthesizing a text is the process of pulling together background knowledge, newly learned ideas, connections, inferences, and summaries into a complete and original understanding of the text.
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