Respond in a well-organized essay. (16 points)

In the Teachlet® tutorial “The Birth of a National Literature” that introduced this course, the narrator had this to say:

“Americans value national literature because they value the culture, morals, and philosophies upon which the United States was built.”

In this course, you have read a variety of American literature that reflect our American values, morals, and philosophies. Choose the one piece of literature that you think best reflects American culture, morals, and philosophy. In an essay of at least three paragraphs, explain

7 answers

No one will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check it if you post what you write.
There are a lot of incredible authors who wrote during different periods of human history .Those men were creative and very good observers .They described the people living in different periods of time and it was the ways of men which they took as an inspiration for their work.

John Milton

From the Neoclassical (1660-1700)period John Milton was one of the authors who used men´s interest in religion to write his famous Paradise Lost. Social needs in those years were taken more seriously than individual needs and the road to salvation was something the society was very much attentive to. A fear of the evil led people to believe in God .In Paradise Lost Milton presents Satan as a fallen angel who wants to recover his place in Heaven and will fight God so as to do so. It is not the best way to reenter Paradise but it is all he knows how to.

Elizabethan Literature(1555-1610) has its greatest author in William Shakespeare. A humanist who cared most about men´s doings and the consequences of their performances, he wrote sonnets and plays displaying the best and the worst characteristics of the human race.Ambition, love, greed are all part of his famous tragedies which still today help to understand the human soul.

The Renaissance (1450-1555)author Nicholas. Machiavelli showed more concern with the doings of those who had power .He recognized a clear division between what was public and what was private and the oppressed mass and the oppressors. In his work The Prince he described the personality of a ruler and in some very strict way he also gave ideas on how to overthrow a ruler.

No matter which movement in literature we pay attention to, we will be able to find authors who depict men and women in such a way that if the time the story was written is not provided, we can still know the date of the creation of the characters.

best i found for you, itd be better if you wrote your own so you can hit all points youd like it to have but if your not great at writing (like me) here you go
@Anon LMAO totally proved wrong
And if you copy and paste what someone else writes, your teacher can find it online and give you an F … or maybe a zero for plagiarizing. 😞
you sound like you got issues. in my opinion if someone wants to look online for essay help they can but its not always gonna be the best. if this person wants help then they should get help for something that most likely be helpful in the real world unless your an author or something of that sort
plus to avoid plagiarizing they can source it or change the wording
oh no not you i mean anon