Respond in a developed paragraph that contrasts the effects of war in two of the following works: "Cranes," "Thoughts of Hanoi," and Tokyo".

1 answer

In the short story "Cranes" by Hwang Sunwon and the poem "Thoughts of Hanoi" by Nguyen Cong Hoan, both works depict the devastating effects of war on individuals and communities. In "Cranes," the protagonist is confronted with the stark reality of the Korean War, as he is torn between his duty as a soldier and his friendship with an old childhood friend. The story highlights the emotional toll of war, as well as the struggles of civilians caught in the crossfire. On the other hand, "Thoughts of Hanoi" portrays the physical destruction and lasting scars left by war, as the speaker reflects on the remnants of war-torn Hanoi. The poem speaks to the enduring impact of conflict on landscapes and memories, painting a picture of loss and grief. Both works offer powerful critiques of war's destructive nature, presenting a somber reminder of its lasting consequences on individuals and communities.