Research shows that the ______ is an important factor in a child's development.
A. quality of parenting and care the child receives from adults
B. social status of the child's family
C. type of preschool the child attends
D. financial status of the child's family
5 answers
romoting child development through parental training, among other factors, promotes excellent rates of child development-.[3] Parents play a large role in a child's life, socialization, and development. Having multiple parents can add stability to the child's life and therefore encourage healthy development.[4] Another influential factor in a child's development is the quality of their care. Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child development.
Which of the following is not a reason why an early childhood teacher would choose to use a virtual field
trip over live, hands-on experience?
trip over live, hands-on experience?
Research shows that the is am important factor in a Child's development.
Research shows that the what is an important factor in a child's development
Quality of parenting and care the child receives from adults