Research proposal on the Napoleonic period
Here is my question for my thesis:
What Led to the French Revolution?
1 answer
The French Revolution was a complex historical event, and there were many factors that led to its occurrence. Some of the main causes included the growing discontent among France's lower classes who were burdened with heavy taxes, economic inequality, social injustice, and political corruption. Additionally, the ideas of the Enlightenment had a profound influence on the French Revolution, as they challenged the traditional notion of absolute monarchy and paved the way for greater political, social, and economic freedom. Finally, the financial crisis that France faced in the late 1700s due to decades of war and overspending, also contributed to the French Revolution. To write a comprehensive research proposal on this topic, you may want to analyze a particular aspect of the French Revolution, gather relevant data from primary and secondary sources, and outline the significance of your study in relation to existing research on the subject.