Research proposal on the Napoleonic period

Here are my questions for my thesis:
What Led to the French Revolution?
How Did Napoleon Start the War?
How did the Napoleonic period affect the world today?

1 answer

Your proposed research questions are all relevant and valid. However, it is important to develop them further to ensure that they are specific, measurable, and achievable within your research timeframe.

For example, for the first question, you could focus on one or two specific factors that contributed to the French Revolution such as social inequality, economic conditions, or political corruption. You could also narrow down the timeframe you will be examining to show how these factors changed and contributed to the revolution.

For the second question, you may want to look at the specific actions that Napoleon took which led to the war. This could include examining his foreign policy, alliances, or military campaigns.

For the third question, you could consider the impact of the Napoleonic period on political, social, or economic systems in Europe and beyond. You could also identify any lasting legacies or historical connections between this period and current events.

It is important to ensure that your research is feasible within your available resources and time. You may want to consult with your thesis advisor to discuss and refine your research questions further.