RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Identifying factors that contributing to Gender-Based violence on campus

Provide a full description of research design and the methods would like to employ to satisfy the aims of study
Element include: Research design of qualitative approache

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Research Proposal: Identifying Factors Contributing to Gender-Based Violence on Campus

1. Introduction

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive issue in many societal contexts, including educational institutions. This research aims to explore the factors contributing to GBV specifically within a campus environment. By identifying these factors, the study aims to inform prevention strategies and interventions that create a safer academic environment for all students.

2. Research Design

This research will employ a qualitative approach, allowing for a deep exploration of participants' experiences, perceptions, and contextual factors regarding GBV on campus. Qualitative research is particularly suitable for understanding complex social phenomena like GBV, as it acknowledges and respects the nuances of individual and collective experiences.

2.1. Research Questions
  • What are the lived experiences of students regarding gender-based violence on campus?
  • What perceptions do students have about the factors that contribute to GBV in the campus environment?
  • How do institutional policies and practices influence the prevalence and reporting of GBV on campus?

3. Methodology

The methodology will consist of the following components:

3.1. Participant Selection

Participants will be selected using purposive sampling to ensure diversity in experiences and perspectives. The sample will include:

  • Students of different genders (female, male, non-binary, etc.)
  • Students from various academic disciplines and year levels
  • Individuals who have experienced GBV and those who have not

A sample size of approximately 20-30 participants is anticipated, which is deemed sufficient for qualitative saturation.

3.2. Data Collection Methods

The primary data collection methods will include:

3.2.1. In-depth Semi-Structured Interviews
  • Each participant will partake in a semi-structured interview lasting between 60 to 90 minutes.
  • An interview guide will be developed, focusing on themes such as personal experiences of GBV, perceptions of campus culture, institutional responses, and support systems.
  • Interviews will be conducted in a private and confidential setting, ensuring a safe space for participants to share their stories.
3.2.2. Focus Group Discussions
  • Two to three focus group discussions (FGDs) will be conducted with 6-8 participants each, encouraging participants to discuss their experiences collectively.
  • The focus groups will enable the observation of group dynamics and the sharing of varied personal experiences and insights related to GBV.
  • Discussions will be guided but flexible to allow emergent themes to arise.
3.3. Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, following these steps:

  1. Familiarization: Reviewing transcripts of interviews and FGDs multiple times to become intimately familiar with the content.
  2. Coding: Initial coding of the data will identify key themes, patterns, and ideas relevant to the research questions.
  3. Theme Development: Codes will be sorted into broader themes that represent the data comprehensively.
  4. Reviewing Themes: Themes will be reviewed in relation to the data set to ensure they accurately reflect participants’ experiences.
  5. Defining and Naming Themes: Each theme will be clearly defined and named to facilitate understanding and dissemination of findings.
  6. Reporting: Results will be presented alongside participant quotes to illustrate themes and draw connections to the research questions.
3.4. Ethical Considerations
  • Informed Consent: All participants will provide written consent after being fully informed about the study's purpose, their role, and their rights.
  • Confidentiality: Participants’ anonymity will be preserved through coding, and identifying details will be removed from the final report.
  • Support Resources: Participants will be provided with information about support services for those who have experienced GBV.
  • Trauma-Informed Approach: Interviewers will implement a trauma-informed approach to ensure the psychological safety of participants.

4. Expected Outcomes

  • A comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to GBV on campus and how they interact within the institutional context.
  • Recommendations for tailored interventions and preventive strategies that respond to identified issues.
  • Enhanced awareness of the campus climate regarding GBV among institutional stakeholders.

5. Time Frame

The proposed timeline for conducting this study will span 6 months, including participant recruitment, data collection, analysis, and dissemination of findings.

6. Conclusion

This research seeks to uncover the intricate factors contributing to gender-based violence on campuses, contributing to scholarly discourse and informing policy and practice aimed at preventing GBV in educational settings. By employing a qualitative approach, this study emphasizes the importance of understanding students' experiences and perceptions in crafting effective responses to this serious issue.