Research Presentation: Portfolio

DUE DATE: Friday May 3rd *Turn it in ON TIME!
Temporary zeros will go in on May 10th

Below you will find links and access to all resources that will benefit you as you begin putting together your research presentation.
you topic is Why are mice faster than cats?

1 answer

Research Presentation Outline:

I. Introduction
- Overview of the topic
- Importance of studying mouse and cat behavior
- Research question: Why are mice faster than cats?

II. Background Information
- Physical characteristics of mice and cats
- Hunting and foraging behaviors of mice and cats
- Evolutionary advantages of speed for mice and cats

III. Factors Contributing to Mouse Speed
- Size and weight differences between mice and cats
- Muscle composition and skeletal structure
- Predation pressure and natural selection

IV. Factors Contributing to Cat Speed
- Hunting strategies and tactics
- Agility and reflexes
- Differences in hunting environments

V. Comparative Analysis
- Speed measurements of mice and cats
- Case studies of mouse and cat interactions
- Role of speed in predator-prey dynamics

VI. Conclusion
- Summary of key findings
- Implications for understanding animal behavior and ecology
- Potential future research directions

1. "Why Are Mice Faster Than Cats?" - Article on animal speed and predator-prey dynamics
2. "Speed and Agility in Mice and Cats" - Research study on the biomechanics of mouse and cat movement
3. "Evolution of Predator-Prey Relationships" - Book chapter on the co-evolution of predators and prey
4. Animal Behavior Journal - Journal articles on the behavior and ecology of mice and cats
5. National Geographic Documentary - Video on the hunting and movement patterns of mice and cats

Please use these resources to support your research presentation on why mice are faster than cats. Good luck!