Research and Presentation Portfolio Rubric %0D%0ADirections: Use the rubric below as a guide in writing and revising your research and presentation portfolio project. %0D%0ACriteria %0D%0A(Weight) %0D%0AExcellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Points Awarded %0D%0ASources and %0D%0ABibliographical %0D%0AInformation %0D%0AContains at least %0D%0Athree print and %0D%0Adigital sources. %0D%0ABibliographical %0D%0Ainformation is %0D%0Apresented from %0D%0Aall of the %0D%0Asources. %0D%0AContains only %0D%0Atwo print and %0D%0Adigital sources. %0D%0ABibliographical %0D%0Ainformation is %0D%0Apresented from %0D%0Amost of the %0D%0Asources. %0D%0AContains only %0D%0Aone print or %0D%0Adigital source. %0D%0ABibliographical %0D%0Ainformation is %0D%0Apresented from %0D%0Asome of the %0D%0Asources. %0D%0ADoes not contain %0D%0Aany print or %0D%0Adigital sources. %0D%0ANo bibliographic %0D%0Ainformation is %0D%0Apresent. %0D%0ADetails/Facts Details %0D%0Aaccentuate the %0D%0Amain ideas. %0D%0ADetails support %0D%0Athe claim. %0D%0AAll facts are %0D%0Aaccurate. %0D%0ADetails mostly %0D%0Aaccentuate the %0D%0Amain ideas. %0D%0ADetails support %0D%0Athe claim. %0D%0AMost facts are %0D%0Aaccurate. Most %0D%0Afacts accentuate %0D%0Athe main idea %0D%0Aand support the %0D%0Aclaim. %0D%0AA few details are %0D%0Aused. Few details %0D%0Asupport the %0D%0Aclaim. %0D%0ASome facts are %0D%0Aaccurate. Facts %0D%0Aare unrelated to %0D%0Athe main idea. %0D%0ANo details are %0D%0Aused. %0D%0ANo facts are %0D%0Apresent. %0D%0APresentation Technology was %0D%0Aused %0D%0Asuccessfully to %0D%0Apresent and %0D%0ATechnology was %0D%0Aused somewhat %0D%0Ato present and %0D%0Acreate a research %0D%0ATechnology was %0D%0Aused %0D%0Aunsuccessfully %0D%0Ato present and %0D%0ATechnology was %0D%0Anot used. %0D%0ANo eye contact %0D%0A© 2020 Pearson Online & Blended Learning K–12 USA. All rights reserved. %0Acreate a research %0D%0Aproject. %0D%0AEye contact was %0D%0Apresent %0D%0Athroughout the %0D%0Apresentation. %0D%0Aproject. %0D%0AEye contact was %0D%0Amostly present %0D%0Athroughout the %0D%0Apresentation. %0D%0Acreate a research %0D%0Aproject. %0D%0ASome eye %0D%0Acontact was %0D%0Apresent %0D%0Athroughout the %0D%0Apresentation. %0D%0Awas present in %0D%0Athe presentation. %0D%0AOrganization Ideas are in a %0D%0Alogical order. %0D%0AMost ideas are in %0D%0Aa logical order. %0D%0ASome ideas are %0D%0Anot related. %0D%0AThere are no %0D%0Aideas, or most %0D%0Aideas are not %0D%0Arelated. %0D%0APunctuation, %0D%0ACapitalization, %0D%0Aand Spelling %0D%0AAlways identified %0D%0Aand used %0D%0Astrategies for %0D%0Apunctuation, %0D%0Acapitalization, %0D%0Aand spelling %0D%0Awhen writing a %0D%0Asummary. %0D%0AMostly identified %0D%0Aand used %0D%0Astrategies for %0D%0Apunctuation, %0D%0Acapitalization, %0D%0Aand spelling %0D%0Awhen writing a %0D%0Asummary. %0D%0ASometimes %0D%0Aidentified and %0D%0Aused strategies %0D%0Afor punctuation, %0D%0Acapitalization, %0D%0Aand spelling %0D%0Awhen writing a %0D%0A

summary. %0D%0ANever identified %0D%0Aand used %0D%0Astrategies for %0D%0Apunctuation, %0D%0Acapitalization, %0D%0Aand spelling %0D%0Awhen writing a %0D%0Asummary. %0D%0A0 points: No evidence of ability to demonstrate targeted skill.
Make it about Prodigy drift

1 answer

Research and Presentation Portfolio Rubric

Criteria (Weight) Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Points Awarded

Sources and Bibliographical Information Contains at least three print and digital sources. Bibliographical information is presented from all of the sources. Contains only two print and digital sources. Bibliographical information is presented from most of the sources. Contains only one print or digital source. Bibliographical information is presented from some of the sources. Does not contain any print or digital sources. No bibliographic information is present.

Details/Facts Details accentuate the main ideas. Details support the claim. All facts are accurate. Details mostly accentuate the main ideas. Details support the claim. Most facts are accurate. Most facts accentuate the main idea and support the claim. A few details are used. Few details support the claim. Some facts are accurate. Facts are unrelated to the main idea. No details are used. No facts are present.

Presentation Technology was used successfully to present and create a research project. Eye contact was present throughout the presentation. Technology was used somewhat to present and create a research project. Eye contact was mostly present throughout the presentation. Technology was used unsuccessfully to present and create a research project. Some eye contact was present throughout the presentation. Technology was not used. No eye contact was present in the presentation.

Organization Ideas are in a logical order. Most ideas are in a logical order. Some ideas are not related. There are no ideas, or most ideas are not related.

Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling Always identified and used strategies for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling when writing a summary. Mostly identified and used strategies for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling when writing a summary. Sometimes identified and used strategies for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling when writing a summary. Never identified and used strategies for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling when writing a summary.

Overall Score: __________ (out of 16 points)


Overall, it is evident that the research and presentation portfolio on Prodigy Drift meets the criteria for good work, with a few areas needing improvement. The use of sources and detailed facts are solid, but it would be beneficial to include more varied sources and ensure that all facts are accurately related to the main idea. The presentation could benefit from more consistent use of technology and eye contact to engage the audience effectively. Additionally, paying closer attention to organization and punctuation, capitalization, and spelling will enhance the overall quality of the project. Keep up the good work and continue to refine your skills in these areas for future projects.