Research and compare the arguments for and against the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Construct a graphic organizer that explains the impact of the Three-Fifths Compromise combined with other Constitutional compromises.
Construct a graphic organization that compares Jefferson’s draft of the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Independence, and the Three-Fifths Compromise of the Constitution
Take and defend a position as to whether the United States betrayed its ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence by including the Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitution.

1 answer

Arguments for the Three-Fifths Compromise:
1. Southern states argued that enslaved individuals should be counted as full persons for the purpose of determining representation in Congress, as it would increase their political power.
2. Supporters of the compromise believed that counting enslaved individuals as less than a full person was a fair compromise between Northern and Southern states, as it acknowledged the existence and value of enslaved labor while also limiting the influence of the Southern states.
3. Some argued that counting enslaved individuals as full people would create unfair power imbalances, as the Southern states would have significantly more representation in Congress due to their large slave populations.

Arguments against the Three-Fifths Compromise:
1. Abolitionists and opponents of slavery believed that counting enslaved individuals as less than a full person perpetuated the dehumanization and mistreatment of enslaved people. They argued that it contradicted the principles of equality and liberty outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
2. Critics argued that including enslaved individuals in the population count for representation would give slaveholding states more power to protect and expand the institution of slavery, ultimately undermining efforts to abolish it.
3. Opponents also contended that the compromise violated the principles of equal representation, as it allowed the Southern states to have greater influence in Congress based on the number of enslaved individuals they held.

Graphic organizer explaining the impact of the Three-Fifths Compromise combined with other Constitutional compromises:

Constitutional Compromise | Impact
Three-FIfths Compromise | - Increased representation for Southern states, giving them more political power
- Reinforced and protected the institution of slavery
- Contributed to regional tensions and conflicts over slavery
Great Compromise | - Established a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the Senate and proportional representation based on population in the House of Representatives
- Ensured to some extent both the protection of smaller states' interests and fair representation based on population
Commerce Compromise | - Gave Congress the power to regulate commerce, but prevented it from regulating the slave trade for 20 years
- This compromise appeased both Northern and Southern states and protected the economic interests of slaveholding states

Graphic organizer comparing Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Independence, and the Three-Fifths Compromise of the Constitution:

Aspect | Jefferson's Draft | Declaration of Independence | Three-Fifths Compromise
Objectives | Announced grievances | Outlined principles and | Addressed representation
against King George III | ideals of American Revolution | of enslaved individuals
in Congress
Equality | Stated "all men are | Proclaimed "all men are | Counted enslaved
created equal" but created equal" but individuals as three-fifths
owned slaves condoned slavery of a person
Representation | No mention of | No mention of | Counted enslaved
of Enslaved representation of enslaved | representation of enslaved | individuals as three-fifths
Individuals individuals individuals of a person
Impact on | Not included in final | Included in final draft of the | Contributed to the
American final document document preservation of slavery
Position on whether the United States betrayed its ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence by including the Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitution:

In my opinion, the inclusion of the Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitution does betray the ideals espoused in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration proclaimed that "all men are created equal" and yet the compromise devalued and dehumanized enslaved individuals by counting them as only three-fifths of a person. This compromise perpetuated the institution of slavery and allowed Southern states to have increased political power based on the number of enslaved individuals they held. By compromising on the principle of equality, the United States undermined its own ideals and failed to live up to the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.