1. Affordable and clean energy is the tenth Sustainable Development Goal set by the United Nations, aiming to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. This goal is crucial for sustainable development as energy is essential for economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.
2. In South Africa, access to affordable and clean energy remains a significant challenge, particularly in rural areas where many people still rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating. This reliance on unsustainable energy sources not only contributes to environmental degradation but also has a negative impact on health and education. Without access to clean energy, students may struggle to study effectively at home, impacting their academic performance.
In India, access to affordable and clean energy is also a major challenge, especially in rural areas where a significant population still lacks access to electricity. The government has implemented various initiatives to increase access to clean energy, such as the National Solar Mission, which aims to promote solar energy and reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels. Improved access to clean energy in India has positively impacted the education system, particularly in rural areas where students can now study using electricity-powered devices.
In Kenya, access to affordable and clean energy has improved in recent years, largely due to the government's efforts to promote renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. This has had a positive impact on the education system, as students now have access to reliable energy sources for studying and schools can operate more efficiently with a reliable source of electricity.
3. The differences between South Africa, India, and Kenya in terms of access to affordable and clean energy have a significant impact on their education systems. In South Africa, the lack of access to clean energy in rural areas hinders students' ability to study effectively at home, impacting their academic performance. In comparison, India and Kenya have made significant progress in increasing access to clean energy, which has positively impacted their education systems by providing students with reliable energy sources for studying.
Despite these differences, all three countries face challenges in terms of ensuring universal access to clean energy. The similarities lie in the fact that access to clean energy is essential for improving the quality of education by providing students with a conducive environment for learning.
4. Best practices in promoting affordable and clean energy as an external determinant of education systems can be found in various initiatives and programs implemented by governments and organizations. For example, the use of solar-powered systems in schools in rural areas has proven to be effective in improving access to clean energy and enhancing the quality of education. Additionally, awareness campaigns and educational programs on the benefits of clean energy can help to promote sustainable practices and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Overall, it is clear that access to affordable and clean energy plays a crucial role in ensuring quality education for all. By investing in sustainable energy sources, countries can not only improve the living conditions of their populations but also enhance the educational outcomes of their students.
Research affordable and clean energy as the tenth Sustainable Development Goal.
2. Describe the situation of affordable and clean energy in SA and two other countries, focus on how affordable and clean energy influence these countries´ education systems.
3. Critically discuss the differences and similarities that can be identified on the basis of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant of the various education systems – South Africa and the two selected developing countries.
4. Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in a literature review in order to document/report on, the influence of affordable and clean energy as an external determinant on the education systems of the countries (South Africa and the two selected developing countries).
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