Reproductive Strategies Unit Test QAs
Q1 In which form of reproduction does the offspring grow specifically from the stem or root of a plant?
A vegetative reproduction
Q2 Hydras are animals related to coral and jellyfish. Hydras can reproduce sexually or asexually. Why would hydras avoid reproducing asexually when conditions are difficult?
A The lack of genetic diversity could mean that all of the hydras die, depending on the situation.
Q3 What is a good description of bacterial reproduction?
A Rapid reproduction through binary fusion
Q4 A parent bacterial cell is able to survive in the presence of the antibiotic penicillin. Subsequent generations from this parent will be _______ penicillin.
A resistant to
Q5 In binary fission, one cell reproduces into _____ cell(s).
A two
Q6 Something that potatoes and bacteria have in common is that they both reproduce
A asexually
Q7 In asexual reproduction, DNA from the parent cell _________ before it produces daughter cells.
A replicates
Q8 Which statement has exceptions?
A sexual reproduction involves parental care, while asexual reproduction does not.
Q9 Which is the most likely explanation for a child exhibiting a heritable trait that neither parent exhibits?
A the trait is recessive, and the child inherited a recessive allele from each parent.
Q10 Which statement is most supportive of the claim that genetic diversity is an advantage of sexual reproduction?
A Genetic variation from sexual reproduction ensures that at least some individuals will have advantageous traits that help them survive.
Credit :
pinkk mochi, KR, Smokey_thecreator
100% Answers
(and my mom, i love you<3)
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