reponed in your own opinion but first agree or disagree to it .

Columbu's description of the Caribbean reflected Spain's motivation because his description showed that he had come across a place of wealth and beauty. I think it would have affected his observation in that his observation could be more poetic and emphasize the beauty of the place and it's resources. In that case his observation would reflect an admiration and not an economic desire. It would have affected his observation in the sense that he would have just admired the place for his beauty and opportunities without reporting to anybody.

1 answer

I disagree with this statement. While it is true that Columbus described the Caribbean as a place of wealth and beauty, I believe his primary motivation was economic. Columbus was in search of new trade routes and resources for Spain, and his descriptions would have been influenced by this goal.

Columbus's observation of the Caribbean would have been shaped by his desire to convey the potential economic benefits of the region to his patrons, the Spanish monarchs. He needed their support and funding for his voyages, so it is likely that his descriptions would have highlighted the valuable resources and opportunities for trade that he encountered.

Additionally, Columbus was a product of the mercantilist era, where nations sought to accumulate wealth and resources for their own economic gain. It is unlikely that he would have simply admired the beauty of the place without reporting to anybody, as his main objective was to secure resources and establish Spanish dominance in the region.

In conclusion, while Columbus may have appreciated the beauty of the Caribbean, I believe his observations and descriptions were primarily driven by Spain's economic motivations.